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'WCoMC News' Newsletters

Copies of our Past Newsletters

As an alternative to the original copies sent by email to Company members, please follow the links below to access copies of our newsletters from our website.  We have highlighted some of the articles featured in each edition to whet your appetite:

Issue 87 - Mar 2024: Musings, Members' Reception, Anniversary Banquet, Wine Club*2, GTK Geoff Berridge...

Issue 86 - Dec 2023: Master's Musings, new Master's Reception, Lord Mayor's Show, Wine Trip to OZ ...

Issue 85 - Sept 2023: OMV, Faith Group; Summer Reception, FSG, GTK Ian White, PM Denise Fellows  ...

Issue 84 - June 2023: OMV, New Members' Reception, Education lecture, GTK Cosette Reczek, Sally G obit. ...

Issue 83 - March 2023: Gordon Stoker, Admissions, OMV, GTK Peter Johnson, Future Events...

Issue 82 - December 2022: Installation, OMV, Annual Report, GTK Volunteers, Chaplain, Christmas...

Issue 81 - October 2022: OMV, Clerking, Event Matters,  Guildhall Gift, GTK Tudor Baron / Ethics ...

Issue 80 - July 2022: OMV,  Summer Celebration,  Education Lecture,  Livery Careers,  Becket Pageant ...

Issue 79 - April 2022: Master's Covid,  Spring Reception,  United Guilds,  Artifact, GTK Julie Fox ...

Issue 78 - February 2022: Charities Supper,  Quaich lunch,  Ancient Greeks,  more MMIW, GTK Jim Foster ...

Issue 77 - December 2021: Annual Report,  Kanan Barot,  John McLean Fox,  GTK John Watson, Education ...

Issue 76 - October 2021: Installation,  Nominations Committee,  GTK Karol Szlichcinski, Master's Blog ...

Issue 75 - September 2021: Election Results, Cart Marking, Rhonda Best, Nick Bush, GTK Steve Cant,  ...

Issue 74 - July 2021: Admissions, Summer Celebration,  Office Move, GTK Malcolm McCaig, Our Clerk ...

Issue 73 - May 2021:  Michael Mainelli, Wine Tastings, Education Lecture 2021, GTK Ron Cruickshank ...

Issue 72 - Mar 2021:  Guido Castro, Events,  Members Survey - last Word, Ties, GTK Collette Stone ...

Issue 71 - Feb 2021:  Lord Mayor's Covid Awards,  Events, Demystifying Social Finance, GTK Chris Sutton ...

Issue 70 - Dec 2020:  Virtual Admissions#2, Dickens Tour, CMCE, CCE, VIDEO, GTK Nick Bush  ...

Issue 69 - Nov 2020:  Our New Master's Voice, Pro Bono Roundup, Charitable Fund, GTK Nanette Young  ...

Issue 68 - Sept 2020:  Court Election Results, Jack Petchy Foundation, GTK Kanan Barot  ...

Issue 67 - July 2020:  Virtual Admissions, Home Working, My most interesting project#1  ...

Issue 66 - May 2020:  WCoMC Events in Lockdown, Charities post Lockdown, "Scrubhub" ...

Issue 65 - Apr 2020:  "Virtual"  ShopTalk ProBono and Wardens, CMCE and Tomorrow's Worth ...

Issue 64 - Mar 2020:  Business as Usual, Recent Event Pictures, Pan Livery Activities ...

Issue 63 - Jan 2020:  Charities Supper, Three Year Plan, New Assistant Clerk, Women vs Capitalism ...

Issue 62 - Nov/Dec 2019:  Our New Master's Voice, Our New Chaplain, Inaugural CMCE Conference ...

Issue 61 - Sep 2019:  Passing the Editorial Baton, Court Elections, Treasure and Artefacts ...

Issue 60 - Jun 2019:  Brexit and GDP, Decisions during WWII, Access to Justice, Treasure ...

Issue 59 - Apr 2019:  Shop(ping?) Talk, WCoMC in 10 Paragraphs(!), Treloar's, Our Diary ...

Issue 58 - Mar 2019:  Business Plans, Diffusing Innovation, Master Craftsman Certificates ...

Issue 57 - Feb 2019:  Business as Usual(??), Customer First(??), CMCE's new website, Impact ...

Issue 56 - Jan 2019:  Political Clarity, Future Skills, Volunteering in Nairobi, Street Pastors ...

Issue 55 - Nov/Dec 2018:  Our (new) Master's Voice, Renewal with Stability, Lord Mayor's Show ...

Issue 54 - Oct 2018:  Outstanding Service, Financial Crisis 10 years on, Sea Cadets (and EasyJet!) ...

Issue 53 - Sep 2018:  Intelligent Machines, Killing the Golden Goose?, Silent Temporal Resistance ...

Issue 52 - Jul/Aug 2018:  Celebrating 25 Years, Update on Greece, Update from Wimbledon ...

Issue 51 - Jun 2018:  Italian Thinking, World Trade & Power, Skinners' Hall, ProBono & Jazz ...

Issue 50 - May 2018:  "More harm than good?", Reflecting on Education Supper, Tea, The Word ...

Issue 49 - Apr 2018:  Inter-school Debating Challenge, Cold War?, CMCE, Urwick Prize ...

Issue 48 - Mar 2018:  City Distillery, New Zealand, ProBono in Malawi, Being a Treasurer ...

Issue 47 - Feb 2018:  Uncertainty, GDPR, Edinburgh, Pancakes, Reputation, Livery Schools LInk ...

Issue 46 - Jan 2018:  AI - Geeky?, World Trade in 2018, Overcome those Christmas excesses ...

Issue 45 - Nov/Dec 2017:  Reflection (Sir George Cox), Angry (Tom Peters), Lord Mayor's Show ...

Issue 44 - Oct 2017:  New Master, Clay Shooting, Sheep drive, Corps of Drums ...

Issue 43 - Sep 2017:  Arabesque, Fastnet, Reputation, Germany, Famous Children, New Book ...

Issue 42 - Jul/Aug 2017:  Becoming Great, Wimbledon, Motor Finance, Reframing Governance ...

Issue 41 - Jun 2017:  Motor Finance, Failed Change, Professional Evolution, Go-Kart Winners ...

Issue 40 - May 2017:  Customer 4.0, Milan: post-Brexit FS hub, The wine must get through ...

Issue 39 - Apr 2017:  'The Fore' Funding for Charities supported by our ProBono, Uganda, Rwanda ...

Issue 38 - Mar 2017:  Trade and Security Post Brexit, Being ProBono Chair, Brexit viewed from Poland ...

Issue 37 - Feb 2017:  Too much data, 99 Essential Questions, Update on Drums, Developing Resilience ...

Issue 36 - Jan 2017:  Trade Outlook, Home Trapeze, Visitor from Space, Teaching in Remote SA ...

Issue 35 - Nov/Dec 2016:  Merry Christmas, Fish (Pond) Wars, Wine Club recce, Life as the Mistress ...

Issue 34 - Oct 2016:  Our new Master sets out his stall, Culture Change in the Banks, Gig working ...

Issue 33 - Sep 2016:  Race matters, 27,000 cyclists, Inter-Livery Tennis, Farewell Rio ...

Issue 32 - Jul 2016:  Wimbledon, Brexit, Sandown Park, Apprenticeships,  Deceptive Appearences  ...

Issue 31 - Jun 2016:  Flying a Tiger Moth, Visiting Grand Cayman, Riding in Reverse, Scepticism ...

Issue 30 - May 2016:  Delays in Iraq, Becoming a School Governor, Diversity, HQS Wellington ...

Issue 29 - Apr 2016:  Grexit to Brexit, Being "Past It", Tailoring the Story, Sustenance and the City ...

Issue 28 - Mar 2016:  News from Poland, Databases(!), News from Normandy, Heather Matheson RIP ...

Issue 27 - Feb 2016:  Swiss army knife, creativity vs risk, cooking vs consulting, poverty (Lord Bird) ...

Issue 26 - Jan 2016:  Excavation for Beginners, What do I Know?, Happy Teams, The Home Trapeze ...

Issue 25 - Nov/Dec 2015:  The New Master's Theme, Tomorrow's Broadband, Europe, Future Fitness ...

Issue 24 - Oct 2015:  The Installation, Goodbye Vulcan XH558, Answers?, post-Capitalism, Leadership ...

Issue 23 - Sep 2015:  Farewell, Sharing risk, Globalisation, WCoMC and the City, Connections ...

Issue 22 - Jul/Aug 2015:  GoKarting, Celebrating, Wimbledon, Greece (again!), Social Media Nerves ...

Issue 21 - Jun 2015:  City Blog, Chartered Management Consultant, Systems Thinking, Cultural Health ...

Issue 20 - May 2015:  HMS Royalist, ETHOS, The Dark Side, Post-election reality, Mistress afloat ...

Issue 19 - Apr 2015:  Government Challenges,, Rescuing Clients, World Happiness ...

Issue 18 - Mar 2015:  Half term report, Greek Liquidity, The Consulting Tightrope, The Patients' NHS ...

Issue 17 - Feb 2015:  Planning a piano exam, Greece, Our new Special Interest Groups/Panels ...

Issue 16 - Jan 2015:  New Year Lemmings, Home Exercises, Academy Trust Boards, "The 100+ers"? ...

Issue 15 - Nov/Dec 2014:  Wine in Mumbai, Live Video and Tumblr, LM Show, Large and Small Projects ...

Issue 14 - Oct 2014:  All Change, Information overload?, Working Chance, Strategy experiences ...

Issue 13 - Sep 2014:  An Art House Movie, Roddy "Rule Brittania" Williams, "Formula Student" Mentor ...

Issue 12 - Jul/Aug 2014:  Wimbledon, Live Tumblr Blogging (soon?), Adam and Eve, Polish Academia ...

Issue 11 - Jun 2014:  Bread Tin spreads wings, Charitable Trust grants, Wine Club tour, Opera Pics ...

Issue 10 - May 2014:  Paying with wads of cash, The Tower (twice), Music Group, City mysteries ...

Issue 9 - Apr 2014:  Prof Cary Cooper on stress, United Guilds Service, Extreme Golf, Rainy Day Report ...

Issue 8 - Mar 2014:  Jon Moulton scholarship, making music, evolution, risk "in a bottle", SIGs ...

Issue 7 - Feb 2014:  King Priam in rehearsal, a pair of challenging projects, a Festival, a book ...

Issue 6 - Jan 2014:  the NHS, charity impact, fitness, home trapeze exercises, route to Mayor ...

Issue 5 - Nov/Dec 2013:  our new Clerk, new Lord Mayor and her (wet) show,  working in Asia ...

Issue 4 - Oct 2013:  abseiling, festivals, PQQs, extreme sports and some changes to our lineup ...

Issue 3 - Sep 2013:  an underground revelation from CrossRail and various wanderings ...

Issue 2 - Jul 2013:  Sherlock (Markham) Holmes, another grim sailing story, music articles ...

The Inaugural June 2013 Edition:  tales from the Charity Regatta, industry rumours of our existence ...

All feedback will be gratefully received: