WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL May 2018


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

David Johnson, Master

What’s up?


Chris Parkhouse, Liveryman, has been appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire

The role of Deputy Lieutenant is to support the Lord Lieutenant (i.e. the Monarch’s personal representative in each county) with the work of the Lieutenancy across the County; representing the Lord Lieutenant when asked, performing a range of public duties when required, and advising the Lord Lieutenant as needed.

The Change Lecture

Third Warden Bob Harris, Chair

Professor Andrew Sturdy,  Leader, Management Consultancy Research 


Co-Author Ian Kirkpatrick

Alan Leaman, Chief Executive of the Management Consultancies Association


Having scheduled a sunny day, the Master and Mistress attend the  Garden Party at Buckingham Palace


Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:

Issue 50:  May 2018


Master's May Missive

The Company sets out various worthy objectives in its Royal Charter which we exist to achieve; but achieving any of them depends on the fellowship - friendship if you like - engendered between members. Fellowship means caring for one another, and is exemplified in the work done by our Almoner. We all hope that we never need the Almoner's services personally, but are eternally grateful that the Almoner is there to care for those that do.

As master I have been privileged to see and on occasion be part of, the quiet work done by our current Almoner to ensure attention is directed to those that may need and appreciate it.

Her concern not just for the member, but for those close to the member - including the families of the deceased - reflects well on all of us.

We now need someone to come forward to take on this important role as Gill King retires from it. It is not highly remunerated, but I know Gill has got enormous satisfaction from being able to help members at times when they most need it. (see Vacancy Notice below...)

My month has included the 'informative' - The Lord Mayor reporting back on the progress he has made in achieving his objectives this year - the City has not made as much progress in restoring its reputation as desired - some more affiliations with the RAF in its centenary year are in process -  the restructured Charitable fund is working well -  and the Plumbers Company lecture "Call a doctor or call a plumber?" (The conclusion was that where the water supply could be polluted, calling a plumber would save more lives). A YBI reception where I learnt Third Warden Harris had been appointed Accreditation Operations Director - real approbation; the indulgent - Blacksmiths Mansion House Dinner  (just topping 200 attending ) - The 100 Plus lunch (focus on the Livery Companies from 100 to 110) - the Brigantes 'breakfast; held in Leeds (for 'Northern' Liverymen -like me(?) The Buckingham Palace Garden Party (I reminded the Earl of Wessex we had not seen him since he presented us with our Charter); The Music Group’s visit to Nuova Musica Concert (Chair PM Patrick McHugh); the industrious  Court of Wardens and other 'in house' meetings; The Special Tea Party (highlighting 353 years since  trade started in the City) which brought my time with Typhoo Tea marketing into sharp focus; The Change Lecture (NHS is not badly served by the Profession). Attending the start of the important CMCE research project at Coventry and recovering papers from late Liveryman Alan  Williams' house for Liveryman Paul Palmer at CASS CCE - (work on the History of the Centre); Liveryman Michael Rutherford's ‘Select Milan’ (Chair ex member Bepi Pezzulli) lunch re City opportunities in Milan; and the invocative ; a service at St Bartholomew the Great seeking support for the work of the Barts' Charity (meeting ex member Margaret Exley, NED of Trust), and the truly memorable service at St Pauls for the installation of the new Lord Bishop of London Sarah Mullaly, the first woman to hold such a position; Singing in the Quire at St Paul's! and my thanks to IPM Noorzaman Rashid for representing me at the Sons of the Clergy Service at St Paul,s when I was double booked.



Do Management Consultants do more harm than good?  Dr Simon Davey, Freeman, Scientist and proud management consultant! - argues the case...

Goggles on - and lab conditions:  the Mistress Management Consultant takes her Chemistry kit to Painter Stainers' Hall and turns another social event into a scientific experiment...

This year at Common Hall the election of the two Sheriffs is contested, so there is a real choice.  And it's particularly relevant  to members of the WCoMC...  Richard Fleck, Candidate for Non-Aldermanic Sheriff at Common Hall on 25th June, explains what is at stake...

  Antony Jenkins was the keynote speaker at the very successful April Education Supper. Antony is Chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships, and updated us on their first year of operation and their future plans.  Frank Brown, Education Chair, interprets the attender feedback and designs the 2019 Supper...

Two world authorities on Tea - for which they have been auctioneers, brokers and Ambassadors - instructed us on its marvellous properties... Liveryman David Shannon, who spent some of his childhood on a Darjeeling estate, elucidates...

Word is mightier than the pen:  Father of the Company, Calvert Markham, reflecting that there are quite different processes involved in writing a letter, than when working on screen... 

May has been a very busy month:  what with the installation of the new Bishop of London and a Garden Party... to say nothing of a Tea Party and visits to other Livery Companies' events...  the diary of the Mistress went like this...


Keeping informed:

The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal: (live Parliamentary tv):

"Exiting the European Union Committee": meeting Wednesday 23 May 2018. Witnesses:  Suella Braverman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the EU;  Robin Walker, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the EU. (Discussion includes potential MaxFac; Customs Partnership Agreements; Customs Arrangements;  No Deal scenario.)



Seeking applicants for the role of Almoner !

After 6 years in the role, and having done a magnificent job, Liveryman Gill King now considers it is time to move on.     Reminder Notice:  Applicants please contact the Master:   davidjohnson.wcomc@yahoo.co.uk   - and check out the Almoner's Role:  http://wcomc.org/the-company/almonerv2



- Thursday 5th July 2018 - WCoMC's 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner (Black tie):  “Champagne and Roses”.    6.30pm  - 11:00pm  at   The Honourable Artillery Company
Armoury House, City Road, London   EC1Y 2BQ  Cost: £120pp (plus £20 charitable donation to join in the Sabrage)

 For further details and booking....

Wednesday 6 June 2018, ETHOS Debate:  "The Future of Reporting and Audit With Specific Reference to Social Audit"a debate in the light of the recent report on Carillion. Chairs:          Professor Hugh Willmott and Professor Bob Garratt Cass Business School. 18:00-20:30  at  Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ, Room LG002 Registration:Coffee and tea from 17:30 hours.   Please register by emailing     faculty.administration@city.ac.uk

Sunday 10th June:  Women of the Livery will join the group of Old Bailey Judges, the lady Mayoress and the Shrieval Consorts together with thousands of women, for an epic procession in London!  This will be the largest participatory artwork ever created as the procession marches down the Mall !    See full details and register...  

- Shoptalk - "Implications of the Modern Slavery Act" – Tuesday June 12th at 5:30 – 8:30 pm.  At The Counting House,  50 Cornhill London, EC3V 3PDRichard Karmel is a partner at Mazars, the international Audit, Tax and Consulting group. In this session, he will talk about the implications of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on the work and activities of Management Consulting and touch on the implications for the charitable sector in the context of all of our pro bono work.     £15 cash on the door to cover food and venue. Book here...

- Monday 25 June at 11am: Common Hall at Guildhall   to elect Sheriffs and other officers.  (See article by Richard Fleck, Candidate). Followed by Traditional celebratory Lunch -  at     1 pm – 3:30 pm, Painters' Hall, 9 Little Trinity Lane, London, EC4V 2AD. Cost to Members and guests - £62.00.    For tickets Liverymen should contact The Clerk, clerk@wcomc.org, See all details of these two important and traditional events, and :  Book here...

- SmallcarBIGCITY  - 13th June 2018. Doors open 6-9:30pm.   Tours between 7 – 9pm.  Come and join us in an exclusive Livery event! Tickets cost £30 each and we only have 36 places!  SmallcarBIGCITY have a fleet of restored classic Mini Coopers and a team of passionate local guides to show off our wonderful city from a different perspective. They have kindly donated an evening of touring the City in four of their beautiful classic Minis. Each trip will last approx. 30 minutes and will take in such highlights as: The Bank of England, Monument, London Bridge and Borough Market.

There will be a wine and nibbles reception in the church, whilst you wait for your ride.  Starts and ends at St Lawrence Jewry. If you wish to join us, contact Katrina on ph 0207 600 9478  or email katrina@stlawrencejewry.org.uk - “City View” the magazine of the City of London Corporation.  Download the latest edition… https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/about-the-city/about-us/Pages/publications.aspx

- Tuesday 3 July: 6-8:30 pm. Cost £80, including drinks and canapés. "Lord Chadlington in conversation with the Rt. Hon Sir John Major."  The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress will also be in attendance.  The venue is a prestigious and beautiful city icon.  Due to security considerations, details to be released nearer the time.  http://www.prcompany.org/2018/05/03/lord-chadlington-in-conversation-with-the-rt-hon-sir-john-major-kg-ch/ For further information please email clerk@prcompany.org

- Invitation to join the Lord Mayor on 29 July, 11am - 4 pm!  The Dragon Boat Race Day takes place at Chillington Hall in Staffordshire, home of Past Master and Mistress Draper, John and Crescent Giffard, and represents a great opportunity for Liverymen to bond at this new inter-livery event. Full details and booking forms for boats, teams and spectators are available on the Lord Mayor’s Appeal web site: https://www.thelordmayorsappeal.org/events/482/dragon-boat-race/          

 Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Course:    details of all of which are to be found at http://www.liverycompanies.info/diary--news/ The City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of  8 October and 20 November. The Livery "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" will be held on 26 September.

Management Consultants aware that they must be perfectly presented for any occasion...

On holiday, the Management Consultant goes into a bar wearing a shirt open at the collar, and is met by a bouncer who tells him he must wear a necktie to gain admission. So he returns to his car and looks around for a necktie, discovering to his discomfiture that he just doesn't have one. 

Then he sees a set of jump leads in his boot. With the flair that his profession would expect,  he ties these around his neck and manages to fashion a fairly acceptable looking knot, letting the ends dangle free.

He goes back to the bar.  The bouncer carefully looks him over, and then says: 
"Well, OK, I guess you can come in - just don't start anything!"

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).