CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events


The Role of Almoner

Within the City of London, the role of Almoner is ancient and many Livery Companies both old and modern have an Almoner available to their members.  The Almoner is not a member of the Court but relies heavily on the Master, the Father of the Livery, Past Masters, Wardens, the Clerk and other long serving members to let them know about other members of the Company who are incapacitated through illness, accident or trauma or affected by bereavement, illness of a family member or a personal tragedy.

The role is one of being available and approachable and it is entirely for the member him/herself, or their family, to determine whether or not a visit or other contact would be welcomed.  Sadly also when a Member dies, the Almoner is in touch with their spouse or family and with consent, attends their funeral or arranges for other members of the Company to do so.

There are a number of ways a Member’s needs or circumstances can become known to the Almoner:
  • through the Clerk, on becoming aware of someone’s death or illness;
  • through Members of the Court or other members of the Company bringing a particular situation to the Almoner's notice - such as an upcoming operation or diagnosis of a serious illness;
  • Members who know of any other member whose circumstances are such that the Almoner might usefully make contact are encouraged to get in touch directly, or through the Clerk.
  • by ‘self-referral’ as explained below

In these days of high stress and pressure on individuals and families the Almoner is available as a “listening ear” to any Member of the Company who may be going through turmoil or hardship in their life and who feels they would benefit from an understanding and confidential discussion with someone who can provide an external perspective.  The easiest way to touch base is by email: