CMCE Showcase 2 May:  People-centric Organisational Change
CMCE Virtual Workshop (2nd of 5) 9 May:  Next Gen2.0: Risky Business
Informal Drinks in the City 21 May:  Meet with us at the Golden Fleece
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events


Learning and Development

One of the aims of our Company is to support the professional development of consultants - both members and non-members - through our programme of seminars and lectures.  We complement this with our networking meetings and our annual award of the Urwick Cup in recognition of for an outstanding piece of research or thought leadership, originating recently in the UK and published in the last two years, relevant to management consultancy..

We also host an annual Education Supper at which a well known speaker presents a thought provoking speech on a topical subject, ranging from the state of Higher Education to an assessment of UK plc.