WCoMC Annual Charities Supper 28 Jan:  Cutlers' Hall
Creative Edge (AI tools) Workshop 5 Feb:  Bayes Business School
Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL June 2019


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News



Our latest City updates

Master John Corneille

What’s up?


on HQS Wellington


Peter Cheese: An extensive career in Accenture; Now Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.  Peter spoke about the shifting context around which professionalism is seen with the changing world of work; skills and careers; and even trust in business, all of which create a stronger need to recognise professionalism in the future.

Kieron White:  Business transformation consultant and entrepreneur who worked at Pcubed and EY before founding his own consultancy company WCL in 2002.  This grew to employ 80 people with a turnover of £10m, being placed 12th in the Sunday Times fastest growing businesses, and specialising in the management of complex change programmes. 

New Freemen

Jonathan Letchfield

Cosette Reczek



Misha Hebel (Readmission)


Master John Corneille awards the Satjit Cup to A/Sub Lieutenant Tracey Walsh RNR

PM Edward Sankey, 3rd Warden Bob Harris, James Markham and Guest

Alan Latham. Natasha Roe, John Cowdell

Immediate Past Master David Johnson and Guest

Simon Davey and Guests

Andy Miles and Guests

"Sooo Long...it's been good to know you..."  etc, etc

The Final Edition of "The Newsletter according to Elizabeth Consalvi" will roll out on 31 July 2019


Assistant Steve Cant will be the new Editor from the post-holiday, 62nd edition, of September 30th



Website Support:



Issue 60:  June 2019





Your Master's Voice



June has been a busy month. Within the Company, I particularly enjoyed the Education Supper held on HQS Wellington. Thanks to Third Warden Bob Harris’ hard work we heard two excellent speakers talk about professional development in the Management Consultancy industry, prompting a stimulating debate. 

Externally, my Consort, Kate and I enjoyed attending a garden party at Buckingham Palace hosted by Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Harry. I also attended the traditional weekend away for Livery Masters at Ironbridge.  For the first time this began with a workshop hosted by the Lord Mayor on the future of the Livery, with consistent views emerging on the need for change to attract younger members;  and the importance of diversity. 

Finally, thank you to those who have kindly donated in support of me being Jailed and Bailed on 1 July. It is looking as if I’m likely to be released from the Tower of London some time before the Celebration Dinner on 9th July, at which I’m looking forward to seeing you.






- Manufacturing PMIs have been indicating a slowdown in exports;  services are sluggish;  shoppers have been abandoning the high street; and construction output seems to be in reverse... 

Past Master Vicky Pryce, Economist, exposes why the Brexit-induced drop in GDP is a bad omen for the economy...


- The most momentous solo decision of the Second World War... Past Master Edward Sankey describes how the War Commanders relied almost entirely on the expertise and judgment of one individual...


Better and faster and happier access to justice as an outcome.  It IS possible;  but by gum it's going to take work... Dr Simon Davey. Freeman, fulminates... 


Developing the Company's Treasure...  Beginning with three beautiful items...The Chaplain's Candlestick; The Wardens' Quaich; and The Mace...




Live parliamentary Select Committee event:

Subject: The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal 

Witnesses:  Giles Derrington, Head of Policy: Exiting the European Union, techUK;  Claire Walker, Co-Executive Director, British Chambers of Commerce;  Martin Manuzi, Regional Director  for Europe, ICAEW; and Alan Vallance, CEO, Royal Institute of British Architects







- Summer Celebration Dinner – Tuesday 9th July:  The evening will begin with a champagne reception on the roof terrace of Skinners’ Hall.  Live music. Magnificent dinner afterward in the main hall with wine from our own cellar.  Followed by an address from Master John Corneille and from Sue Langley, formerly a management consultant and now a leading businesswoman in the City.   Book your places here...

CMCE Showcase – Tuesday 16th July

Are we ready to lead in a digital world?  Recent research by the Oxford Group, a business within the City & Guilds Group, will indicate how leaders need to address workforce expectations for psychological safety and a new working style.  Further details here...

- NACC Conference - 16th - 17th July

Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness have offered free places to all Members of WCoMC who wish to attend the 2019 biennial conference of the Non-Profit Academic Centers Council (NACC) which is being hosted by Cass CCE at their Bunhill Row site . This is the first time this conference has been held outside the US.

The conference will have plenary addresses from Helen Stephenson, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission, and from Sir Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive of the NCVO, as well as many other contributed papers. Full details can be found here ...   This will be a great opportunity to catch up with current issues in the not-for-profit sector, and with leading academic research on philanthropy.  If you are interested in attending, please contact John Pulford atjohn.pulford@hotmail.com

- Mentoring Workshop:  23rd July: 10am to 4pm at Cass Business School; more details closer to the date. Mentoring Forum:  we are planning to hold the next forum after the summer break, so please watch out for further information.

- Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Courses:    details of all of which are to be found at  http://www.liverycompanies.info/diary.html

In July:  Free  Lunchtime Recitals at The Wallace Collection:  Monday 22nd – Friday 26th July. http://www.citymusicfoundation.org/2019-summer-residency-at-the-wallace-collection/


- Butchers’ Hall. 87 Bartholomew Close, London EC1A 7EB following a complete refurbishment, is re-opening in September 2019.  Their first Carvery Lunch takes place on Wednesday 25th September 2019 followed by similar events on Wednesday 30th October and Wednesday 20th November, all from 12:30 for 1:00pm. To reserve your table online for all Carvery Lunches please click hereCarvery Luncheon price is £49.95  inc VAT for three courses. For more information please contact the Sales Team at Life’s Kitchen:  Teddie Oates:  ph: 0207-248-1163


Management Consultants inevitably cool when faced with vital and knife-edge decisions…


A Management Consultant slips and falls off the edge of a cliff. On her way down, she manages to grab onto the end of a vine. She’s hanging, a thousand feet from the top and a thousand feet from the bottom. Her situation seems hopeless, so she looks up to the clouds, and decides, for the first time, to pray:

"Is anybody up there?"  she asks. After a long silence, a deep voice bellows down from the clouds:


"Do you believe?"  


"Yes,"  replies the Consultant."


"Then let go of the vine,"  says the voice. 

The Management Consultant pauses for a second, looks up again, and finally responds:


"ls there anybody else up there?" 


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).