WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL July/August 2018


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News


Our latest City updates

David Johnson, Master, displays the Silver Salver commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Company, with the names of the first twenty five Masters inscribed

The Silver Anniversary Dinner

at the Honourable Artillery Company

Immediate Past Lord Mayor of London,  Dr Sir Andrew Parmley - reflected on the contribution made by the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants    to the Civic City, in light of his 35 years involvement in the City

Matt Candy, Global Leader of digital agency IBM iX addressed challenges to the industry and how these may shape the future of the consultancy profession

Liveryman  and Hon Treasurer Satjit Singh presenting the Satjit Cup to the Sea Cadet joint winners: Sub Lieutenant (SCC) Victoria Harper RNR from City of Liverpool Unit (NW Area) and Sub Lieutenant (SCC) Kirsty McPherson RNR from Trowbridge Unit (SW Area).

The Corps of Drums of South West London Army Cadet Force, Finalists in the first Lord Mayor's Cadet Music Competition, September 2017.  WC of Management Consultants made a gift of £5,000 to the then Commandant, Liveryman Simon Chapman, for the purchase of these new drums

Past Masters and Consorts: Sir George Cox;  Dr Wilf Eaton; and  Dr Keith Burgess OBE

Steve Cant;  Ann and Past Master Patrick Chapman

Qualifying in Sabrage : de rigeur for Silver Anniversaries:

Liveryman Gia Campari under Instruction and also Military Protection

Mistress Mary Johnson took the sword to the first bottle of champagne... [see Jeff Cant's shattering article...]

Val Blackburn, Graeme Lythe, Matt Candy and John Blackburn

Chris Sutton and guests

Past Master and Mrs Barrie Collins and guest

Elizabeth Consalvi; Sue Ells and guests

Mistress Mary Johnson; PM Bob and Sally Garratt; PM Geoff Llewellyn; Gill King and guests

Newsletter Editor:
Website Support:

Issue 52  July-Aug 2018




Master’s Message :

Celebrating 25 years

This month we celebrated our 25 years existence, representing Management Consultants in the Civic City at the Champagne and Roses dinner at the HAC. That’s - 

  • 25 years of member recruitment and engagement;
  • 25 years of social, professional, and civic activity;

  • 25 years of members' commitment; paying c. £1.5 million in fees & fines (present values)

  • 25 years of charity giving;

  • 100 Court meetings;

  • Over 500 major committee meetings and many workshops;

  • 100 major and many more minor events;

  • Significant Web development; communications;

  • A great number of hours supporting external not-for-profit activities; time investment = £25 million?

We can debate the monetary value of all this, but it is an enormous commitment, happily given, over many years, by the membership. This commitment is why we are here today and why WCoMC can look forward to the next half century with confidence.

I thank you all.

David                                                                                                                                   HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS!

Past Masters Edward Sankey and Patrick Chapman demonstrating superb swordsmanship as they launch the next 25 years; de rigeur in the profession is to approach the problem with no fuss; leaving no mess; and above all maintaining the fizz...


- GREECE:  The slightly more positive economic news from Greece has been overshadowed by the terrible fire that cost so many lives in late July just outside Athens... Economist and Past Master Vicky Pryce explains...

- WIMBLEDON:  ...characterised especially by unremitting sunshine and the stamina of the over-30's... Our Tennis Correspondent, Carole Markham, reports....

-  THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY – celebrating the occult arts of the management consultant.... Those who don't measure up - don't take the same number of fingers home... Jeff Cant, Leader, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council; Liveryman;  - takes his sword to the event... 

-  The publication "Consultancy UK" carried the following     article on  the Management Consultants' 25th  Anniversary: 


-   There’s Something New in the City for August Bank Holiday Weekend...! London’s Biggest Birthday Party takes place in Smithfield. It is one of the largest open spaces in the City, and the party is for all the family... 

Past Master, Edward Sankey explores... 

The Mistress goes Swan Upping.... and marks, measures, weighs and identifies them for the Sovereign...



Subject: The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal:

1) Industry Leaders give a highly practical Brexit SWOT analysis…

Witnesses giving evidence: Catherine McGuinness, Policy and Resources Committee Chairman, City of London Corporation;  Adam Minns, Executive Director, Commercial Broadcasters Association;  Huw Evans, Director General, Association of British Insurers; and Giles Derrington, TechUK


2) New Brexit Team: Session with the Exiting the European Union Committee 

Witnesses:  Dominic Raab MP, Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union; and Oliver Robbins, Prime Minister's Europe Adviser.

Note: On 9th July, Dominic Raab replaced David Davis as Brexit Secretary.  Two weeks later, on 24th July – moments before this meeting for the new Secretary of State, Raab, to give evidence before the Parliamentary Committee, the Prime Minister downgraded Raab’s Department by announcing that the Cabinet Office would now be in charge of Brexit negotiations, with the PM herself leading. 





- Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th August: London’s Biggest Birthday Party takes place in Smithfield. It is one of the largest open spaces in the City, and the party is for all the family... Why birthday party?   It is 150 years since the iconic Smithfield Market building was opened;  becoming the most famous meat market in the world. To celebrate, Culture Mile (see PM Edward Sankey’s article!) has planned two days of Entertainment and Fair.  


- Thursday 6 September at 6pm: the Urwick Lecture: "The impact of different perceptions of time by clients and consultants": at Fieldfisher, Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane EC4R3TT.  Cost: £30  Book here... 

- Thursday 20 September at 5:00pm: ​Annual Service of Celebration, Dedication and Thanksgiving: at St James Garlickhythe, Garlick Hill London, EC4V 2AF.  St James Garlickhythe is the Company’s church in Garlick Hill, very close to the Company’s offices. It is a unique 17th century City Church; a sacred place since 1100AD. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St James in 1683 after the Great Fire to be full of light, since when it has become known as ‘Wren’s Lantern’.

No booking or reservation is required. Please arrive at the church and be seated by 4.55pm

Directly after the service, we will withdraw to a Livery Hall to welcome new members at the Admissions Ceremony that will precede our traditional Autumn Reception. Please Book here.... to reserve your places at the event.  Event fee TBA.

Save these dates:  Booking available later:

September 25th, 2018 5:30 PM:  ShopTalk:  at The Counting House 50 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3PD    Richard Stewart of Mindbench will present his 2018 update on the Management Consulting industry. Please note that this event is "cash on the door" to cover the venue and food. Please bring £15 per person.

October 1st, 2018 11:00 AM   Election by the City Livery of the Lord Mayor at Michaelmas Common Hall, Guildhall, followed by a celebratory luncheon at 1 pm at a lTo be confirmed. 

Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Course:    details of all of which are to be found at http://www.liverycompanies.info/diary--news/ The City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of  8 October and 20 November. The Livery "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" will be held on 26 September.

The Management Consultant and her husband go to a movie and find that a few seats to their right is a man and his dog.

The dog seemed well-behaved enough so they didn't call an usher to complain.

They watch the movie and notice that during the action scenes, the dog is on the edge of his seat, watching intently. During the the happy scenes, the dog wagged his tail happily. In the sad scenes, the dog would whimper. And in the frightening scenes, the dog hid under the seat.

When the movie was over, the couple approached the dog owner. The husband said "We can't believe how much your dog enjoyed the movie."

The dog's owner replied "Me either. He didn't like the book."

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).