CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
United Guilds Service and Lunch 28 Mar:  St Paul's Cathedral
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL November/December 2017


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

  Master and Mistress  -  David and Mary Johnson

New Freemen

Graeme Lythe
Caroline Spicer

Ian White

New Liveryman

Jim Foster

Speaker: Ian Beesley, Liveryman. After 22 years in the Civil Service prior to being a Partner in Price Waterhouse for 16 years, he is the Official Historian of the Cabinet Secretaries and author of "The Official History of the Cabinet Office".

Graeme Lythe and PM David Peregrine-Jones

Ian Beesley, John Corneille

and Toby Turl

Jim Foster and guests

Ian White and Ian Bonny

Ian Beesley with the Master

Lord Mayor's Show

First Warden John Corneille,  Master,  Second Warden Denise Fellows

London turns out to applaud Management Consultants...

Management Consultants and Sea Cadets supporting each other

The new Lord Mayor alights from his golden carriage for lunch - opposite the George pub, where the Management Consultants are having theirs....!


Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:

Issue 45:  November/December 2017




Master's Message:  Sea Cadets – our (disarming) military force...
 My first representative task as Master, three days after my Installation, was to attend the Sea Cadets’ Trafalgar Day Parade – in Trafalgar Square. A chilly but occasionally sunny Sunday Morning set in the shadow of Nelsons Column. There is another shadow - that  of imperialism and triumphalism. On such an occasion celebrating victory over the French 212 years ago may be considered inappropriate by some today - but the training and development of young people as they demonstrated with such discipline and enthusiasm overshadows such ‘modern’ considerations. It was really good to see the transformation in life chances of young people that is being achieved.
In August I represented our previous Master at the Sea Cadets national band competition held  at the Tower of London (where I met the deputy Governor, which could be helpful should I be incarcerated in the coming year). In December I hope to present the Satjit Cup (donated by our current Treasurer) which is awarded to their top Cadet annually.
Every Livery Company is expected to support one or more element of our defence forces – doubtless originating in the days when the Livery supported the City militia and the expeditions of various Kings & Queens - and our early decision to support the Sea Cadets was inspired. Past Master Broomhead is to be thanked for the part he played in arranging this, and for acting as our liaison with them ever since.
Over the years we have made relatively small financial contributions to them to encourage  achievement and provide training equipment, and to support the Sea Cadets' entry into the Lord Mayor's Show. In return we are kept involved with a vibrant group of young people, who sailed T.S Royalist to victory in the Tall Ships race and stand with discipline as our carpet guard at many a formal function.
They also make our presence in the Lord Mayor's Show possible. This has been (after the Installation Dinner) the highlight of my year to date. Some may question the importance of our involvement in this event, but it is integral to the civic City and an engagement that links every Livery Company with a common heritage over many centuries. This year we exceptionally had 31 seconds of BBC TV coverage! Really an opportunity no Liveryman should miss.  [See article "Breakfast at Barbican" for the YouTube link!]
Our new Lord Mayor is supporting the Centenary of the RAF in his year, and has set a challenge to increase the attachments of Livery Companies with RAF companies from the present 55 to 100 (the Century) -  and it is something we will doubtless discuss as a Company; but we must cherish our association with the London Region Sea Cadets. Long may it continue.
 David Johnson, Master


Have the Company's objectives - as recorded in the 1992 minutes - been realised...?  Sir George Cox, co-founder and Past Master in 1996-97, explores....

Tom Peters is back and he's angry...!  As best selling business author, he stands before the first symposium of WCoMC's Centre for Management Consulting Excellence... But since "In Search of Excellence" 35 years ago - does he have anything new to say? Dr Simon Davey, Freeman, evaluates.   AND ALSO provides a video of Father of the Livery, Calvert Markham, chatting to Peters over lunch...

"Then it began.  The cheering.  The waving.  The noise.  The fun.  Hundreds and hundreds of people of all ages and nationalities lining the route ahead for the next 3 hours..."  Freeman Collette Stone turns out with the Management Consultants to honour Charles Bowman, 690th Lord Mayor...

Breakfast at Barbican!  Having set them up with the full English and adjusted their ceremonial gowns, the Mistress launches the Management Consultant party onto the streets of London...PLUS the glorious YouTube link showing Sea Cadets, WCoMC and their bands spreading our notoriety...

Trade Outlook: November 2017.  "Great Walls..." OR "the shift of trade power from West to East..." Economist and Liveryman Dr Rebecca Harding takes a closer look at China-US Trade...

The Livery Schools Link (LSL) is a registered Charity that aims to promote support for schools in the Greater London area by Livery Companies of the City of London and their members; helping to prepare young people for the world of work. Mistress and also Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Educators, Mary Johnson describes how LSL works, and challenges the Management Consultants to join LSL at their Showcase event at Guildhall on February 6th 2018...

How are Management Consultants connecting to the so-called "Millennials Generation" ?  Do you even know what "TLDR" means?  If not, these Millennials may never get around to picking up your Marketing message.... Simon Sinek, Social Media guru, explains on TED Talks....

Keeping informed: "The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal."  2nd Report.  Published 1 December 2017:  Brexit progress report...

Hats for doffing, and umbrellas stamped with the Company Coat of Arms, Management Consultants prepare to join the Sea Cadets to honour the new Lord Mayor...:  Freeman Collette Stone; PM Ian Daniel; Tom Pulford; First Warden John Corneille; Interim Beadle Chris Parkhouse; PM Edward Sankey; Master David Johnson; Assistant John Pulford; Second Warden Denise Fellows; Freeman Matthew Papasavva 


In Memoriam:  Announcement by The Rev’d Canon David Parrott, Guild Vicar, St Lawrence Jewry next Guildhall, Chaplain to the City of London Corporation and other city bodies:

A Memorial to Sir Paul Judge will be held at St Lawrence Jewry Church on 15th December at 9.30am followed by light refreshments in Guildhall.  This service is expected to be very well-attended.

The dress code is lounge suit and only Masters and civic party to be badged.



  • Company Christmas Lunch on Monday 4 December at 12:30-3 pm at Ironmongers' Hall, Shaftesbury Place, Barbican EC2Y 8AA  Book here...
  • Charities Supper on Thursday 18 January at Skinners 'Hall, 8 Dowgate Hill EC4R 2SP  Book here....
  • Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Courses, details of all of which are to be found at  Dates for your diary: the City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of 7 February, 21 May, 8 October and 20 November. The Livery "After Dinner Speaking Course will be on the morning of 14 February and the "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" on 26 September.
  • A Christmas gift suggestion by The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers:  their supplier of lead crystal drinking glasses and decanters, both for corporate functions as well as for members’ private use - Dartington Crystal - is the only remaining factory sized company still manufacturing glass and crystal in the UK and holds Royal Warrants from The Queen and Prince Charles for our Royal Brierley brand. They would like to offer WCoMC members a 25% discount code to use on their website,  until 31st December 2017, enabling the purchase of Christmas presents at a 25% discount. The code is LCXMAS 
  • Inter-Livery Bridge Competition at Drapers' Hall: Organised by the Makers of Playing Cards - Monday 5th March 2018.  64 Team Pairs will be hosted to two sessions of bridge; a 2-course supper with wines and trophy awards with a stirrup cup in the grand livery hall.  Last year they had a full complement, therefore you are encouraged to book your Team early. Download forms (under Company Events) from their website  Companies that participated last year were:  Actuaries,   Air Pilots,  Basketmakers,  Builders Merchants,  Butchers,  Carpenters, City Solicitors, Clockmakers,  Cordwainers,  Chartered Accountants,  Curriers,  Cutlers,  Dyers, Drapers,  Feltmakers,  Fuellers,  Furniture Makers,  Grocers, Glovers,  Girdlers,  Glaziers,  Horners,  Information Technologists, Innholders, Master Mariners, Makers of Playing Cards. Mercers,  Needlemakers,  Plaisterers,  Salters,  Scriveners,  Spectacle Makers,  Shipwrights,  Stationers, Tallow Chandlers,  Tax Advisors. Tinplate Workers,  Turners, Upholders, Weavers.



                                  THANK YOU!

So where did our Clerk and camera expert
celebrate their April wedding anniversary?  Working,
of course; at the Management Consultant dinner
held at the residence of the Lord Mayor - Mansion House...

Thank you and Congratulations!



                                        Mark and Julie Fox                           


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).