CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL April 2014


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Featuring recent headline events in the Livery and the Civic City 

What’s up?

New Freemen

Mark Thomson

New Liverymen

Scott Brown

Keith Rivers

Derek Miller

John Williams


New grandfather, Satjit Singh, together with prospective WCoMC (Lady) Master


Assistant Clerk - Julie Fox

And introducing ...

Our Beadle - Mervyn Bassett


Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 09:  April 2014


WCoMC at the core of an important initiative that will be of great interest to our clients;  OECD estimates that UK loses £70bn each year through stress...

The Education Supper coincided wth the national launch of a campaign on Organisational Psychology and Health that is being supported by such employers as Proctor & Gamble, American Express, British Telecom and Santander.  

Professor Cary  Cooper unravels...


2000 members of the Livery Companies and Guilds cram into St Paul's Cathedral to support this most gorgeous annual procession of the City dignitaries

Conceived in 1943 as a means of lifting the spirits of the City following the Blitz, this spectacle should be seen at least once in a lifetime...

 Liveryman and Past Almoner, Adrian Williams, joins the City celebrities on the red carpet... 


How many ways do you like your golf??

WCoMC Extreme Sports Specialist, Second Warden David Peregrine-Jones, scatters a panoply of colourful options....


... acute sense of guilty pleasure, imprinted in childhood and channelled into Art... provides the inspiration for "The Lovesong of Alfred J.Hitchcock"

which runs from May 4th to 25th on Broadway.  Past Master, Patrick McHugh's son plays the young Hitchcock.....

So it's drama you want? Shout in your bass and sepulchral voices and stamp your feet to support your candidate Sheriff and your chosen Ale-Conner

Master Edward Sankey walks the ancient walk through Common Hall      [See also eligibility criteria, mechanism for applying for a ticket, timing and venue for joining other Liverymen afterward for lunch, in Notices below...] 


ENGLISH TOURING OPERA AWARD  ITV televised the conferring on ETO of the Olivier Award for "Outstanding Achievement in Opera", for their performances of Paul Bunyan and King Priam. The award recognised the brave and challenging nature of ETO's season.  (Third Warden, Noorzaman Rashid is on ETO's Board.)  
Celebration Dinner:  On 17th June WCoMC is leading a dinner to celebrate and promote the pro bono support that the Management Consultancy profession provides to the Charity sector.  In partnership with the Management Consultants Association, the best pro bono projects will be identified and trophies will be presented. Attending the dinner will be senior representatives from Government, the City and the major consultancies, together with organisations from the Charity sector.

It will be a perfect social  as well as marketing occasion for you and your business partners and clients. Book online, or with

Common Hall:  24th June at 11.45, at the Guildhall. Every Liveryman clothed before 31 May 2013 can excercise their right to vote to elect the two Sheriffs in this ancient and wonderfully theatrical City Ceremony.  All the City dignitaries will process in their robes, including your Master. (One of the candidates, Fiona Adler, joined us at the Education Supper.)  Lunch with the Master afterward at the Little Ship Club. Payment on the day.  Book online to receive a ticket from the Clerk

City Livery Concert at 7:30 (with a pre-concert recital by students from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama from 6:15 until 6:45) at Barbican on 22 June 2014. More special tickets have been made available by Alderman and Sheriff Sir Paul Judge for this London Symphony Orchestra concert.  Tickets £46 to include an interval Reception with complimentary drinks plus a souvenir programme.  Priority booking line at Barbican Box Office for City individuals and groups 020 7382 7211 and quote "22nd June City Livery Allocation".

One Stop Shop launch this week of the new Livery Committee website!  Has information or links to all livery-related matters and websites, eg the Briefings and Courses booking pages; the Fishmongers & other sites listing livery company details etc; a Diary and News pages...  at  

The NHS - Can Management Consultants help it? 

Education Committee Seminar - 6 - 8 pmTuesday 13th May at Beachcroft's City offices in Mincing Lane

The areas where management consultancy is making a significant contribution:  - challenges in supporting NHS clients / collaborative working between consultancy firms

Panellists include - 

 - Alan Yates Unique Health Solutions Ltd and a former NHS CEO

· -Hanif Wazir Interim Director of Strategy Tameside NHS Foundation Trust one of the 14 Trusts in special measures. Ex Ernst Young and Department of Health Commercial Directorate.

·- Steve Powell Managing Director ASE Consulting a professional services firm with significant expertise within the NHS space

Do come and participate in the discussions 

To book your place please email ben.taylor@redquadrant.comTickets cost £25 payable at the event

The Lord Mayor's Treloar Charity Gala dinner - Wednesday 8th October 2014 at the Mansion House.  Early bookings and further details available through Joanna Edson on 01420 547 447.  Tickets £110 

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company. WCoMC is a Chartered Charity (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).