CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL October 2013




WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

          WCoMC News          

What’s up?

New members

Kulbir Shergill

New Liverymen

Jeff Herman

Lynda Purser

Richard Stewart


All Change:

Adèle Thorpe

Leslie Johnson

Installation Update:
Your New Team

A minature pic of The Master and Wardens with the Father and IPM - more will be on the website soon

Check out the Pics from the evening

Pictures from the Installation can be found by following the Gallery link at Gerald Sharp's site from where Digital and Framed versions can be purchased:

We are grateful to them for rushing some over to us for this edition.



Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 4:  Oct 2013


Maison Secondaire...

Locals - though endearing - have patois deliberately difficult to understand; increased water pressure sees ancient geysers (not the author) forcibly ejected from window; and no word exists for 'entrepreneur'.  Past Master Ian Daniell forges documentation to confuse officialdom

Throwing the PQQ out with the bath water...

Does the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire limit the organisations invited to submit a full tender response to those who meet basic compliance criteria and have the capacity to deliver??

Or has it become overly bureaucratic, politically correct, risk averse and yet non-discriminating in terms of capability and capacity...  Bob Harris investigates     

Abseil !

I'm going to be sick.  I step down to little ledge.  Can't be sick now, would be antisocial for those at ground level.  My hands are sweating as I lean back...

In aid of Lord Mayor's Appeal,  Past Master, Mary Collis,  walks out over the edge...

Autumn Diary...

Balancing the unhealthy demands of the City with extreme sports and unusual hobbies

Navigating past frightening harbourmasters and uncharted sand bars, Second Warden David Peregrine-Jones, studies the weather charts to determine the ripeness of Italian olives.  Having solved the problem of switching between too-bright horizons and unreadable instruments...  Directing from his dinghy....

Farewell to a Clerk

We had effectively 4 different office addresses in his first 6 months, before a happy wind blew us to the Skinners Hall....  Walking tightropes on a daily basis, Leslie Johnson....

Note:  Office business as usual with the new Clerk, Adèle, whom we will introduce in next month's edition. Contact her at:  

And now for something completely different

Ever wanted to get involved in organising and running a festival?  Don’t!  Or at the very least  put on your hard hat and follow First Warden, Patrick Chapman's vicissitudes...

So-long, and thanks for all the fish!

"It's just like going over a waterfall", yodels Immediate Past-Master, Geoff Llewellyn 

Follow him fighting the spray, strongly recommending a year of Mastership, as he clutches onto that piece of cake...

WCoMC - What are our Strategic Aims?

This was one of the many questions that was raised during our recent membership survey.  Every management consultant presses their clients to develop Strategic Plans, so where is ours?  The answer is simple: we developed our most recent plan back in 2010, but were unable easily to publish it.  Now that we have our new website with its secure members section, this has clearly changed.  We have therefore reviewed and updated our strategy and governance.  For a summary and for the link to our review Visit:

Launch of Books written by Company Members - We're doing this in the November Newsletter.  

Be there, or...  Er...  Look unproductive...!  Send the Editor your Titles/ Synopsis/Links to the sellers - Amazon etc.

REMINDER:  Dates for your diary

The Lord Mayor's Show:  Saturday, 9th November

Wind up the crowds with PM Ian Daniell!  Only 20 of us get the chance to keep pace with the Lord Mayor. If you have fancy robes and bonnets waiting for you, get to Skinner’s Hall by 10:30.  The robeless need to go direct to Wood Street.  Lunch will be arranged along the route for about £15, and an awfully sensible de-brief will go on after, at The Little Ship Club.  (for further details, see email to you of 28 October)

 If you are available, fit enough to march and tough enough for a day of deplorable hedonistic pleasure, telephone Ian Daniell on 07967 688 720 to offer your services, which will be accepted on a strictly first come basis!

The City Debate: Thursday, 7th November  6 - 8:30 pm - organised by the Worshipful Company of International Bankers.  This is ideal for young professionals in the financial services liveries, which includes management consultants.  Details on -

The City of London Historical Society is organising a visit to Ypres and the Battlefields of Flanders - August 2014 - to mark the event of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War.

Follow the details

Worshipful Contributions to World Knowledge

The Consultancy industry sees £80 million donated via companies' charitable initiatives.  Immediate Past Master, Geoff Llewellyn, submits article to CFO World.

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company. WCoMC is a Chartered Charity (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).