Creative Edge (AI tools) Workshop 5 Feb:  Bayes Business School
Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL January 2018


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News



Our latest City updates

David Johnson, Master


Jon Moulton, Hon. Liveryman

Charities Supper 

Yasmine Ahmed - Rights Watch (UK)

Mary Rose Gunn - The Fore

Sarah Lindsell - The Brain Tumour Charity

Alan Latham and Lawrie Philpott

Malcolm McCaig, PM Bob Garratt and guest

Professor Charlotte Bevan (Leader, Prostate Cancer Research Team) and Karen Aston (MS Charity supporter)

 Steve Cant, John Pulford and guests

Jon and Mrs Moulton and Graeme Lythe

Gia Campari, PM Calvert  Markham. Geoff Booth

Nanette Young and guest

Frank Brown, Mark Hoble and guests

Required Dedication to Duty

Master selflessly samples English wines at the Wine Pantry, Borough Market, as part of the serious obligations of the Wine Club


Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:

Issue 46:  January 2018




Your Master's Voice:

During 2018 many institutions will be celebrating anniversaries; not so much to record an event as to inspire hope in the future. 325 years ago Dom Perignon invented Champagne; 200 years ago medicine was advanced by the first blood transfusion; 150 years ago was the last public hanging – a measure of civilisation; 100 years ago the Royal Air Force was founded, enabling an independent UK future; and property-owning women enfranchised. 75 years ago the Colossus Computer was built (33 metres high) creating a new industry; and 50 years ago the "I’m backing Britain" campaign was launched. 25 years ago the European Union single market became operational; the last IRA bomb was exploded in the City; and The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants was established. There is hope for the future!  Happy New Year!

We will be celebrating our 100th Court, the 10th anniversary of receiving our Royal Charter, and on the 5th July, the profession of Management Consulting.  Help us define our future.



What was until recently a bit of a geeky backwater - is making dramatic impact...

Past Master David Peregrine-Jones  reports on a panel discussion at Stationers Hall about - "The implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Communications and Content industries".... 

Invitation to Mansion House: As this  year is the centenary of the first national women’s suffrage in Britain, the Mistress invites both women and men who are members of WCoMC to join the Livery in celebrating International Women’s Day at the Mansion House...  By kind invitation of the Lady Mayoress, on 8th March 2018....Book your places  for lunch here...

2018 is likely to be a year where trade is caught in the cross-fire between isolationism in the US, Brexit in the UK and multilateralism in the rest of the world..

Economist and Liveryman Dr Rebecca Harding outlines why world trade value growth is expected to be flat or negative and for many countries to follow this pattern....

After the excesses of Christmas, these Home Trapeze exercises work miracles.  Fun and easy; on video: Liveryman Gia Campari strongly recommends....

Ownership of personal data; Governance and Regulation; how algorithms work:  Mistress Mary Johnson - also Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Educators - provides further analysis on the Stationers' Artificial Intelligence seminar... 


Master; First Warden John Corneille; 2nd Warden Denise Fellows; 3rd Warden Bob Harris; Father of the Livery Calvert Markham

Keeping Informed :  

"The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal." Exiting the European Union Committee: 24 January 2018: 

Witness: (Parliament Live TV) Rt Hon. David Davis MP, Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union

"The Progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal" Exiting the European Union Committee: 20 December 2017:(Live Parliament TV): Professor Michael Dougan (Professor of European Law and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law - University of Liverpool); Professor Anand Menon (Kings College, London: Director, UK in a Changing Europe); Stephen Booth, (Director of Policy & Research, Open Europe).



- Tuesday 6th February at Guildhall from 10am to 4pm: we are hosting some large management consulting firms on our stand at the Careers Showcase being held in the Guildhall. We are promoting the Junior Management Consultant apprenticeship to older students from a wide range of schools as well as graduate training routes into the profession.  Inspect our stand in the Guildhall on the way to the "Re-thinking Reputational Risk" Symposium - see details below - (there may be a drink at 4.30pm?).

- also on February 6th, 6:00 PM   to   9:00 PM at Coventry University London University House 109-177 Middlesex Street London, E1 7JF  "Re-thinking Reputational Risk": How to manage the risks that can ruin your business, your reputation and you?  In spite of advances in risk management, our media headlines continue to be populated with corporate disasters. Recent examples include Volkswagen, Tesco, BP, Barclays, Uber, Equifax, G4S, Ryanair, Bell Pottinger, Carillion, Capita and more. Cost = £35 members and guests.  Register here...

- 7 - 11 February:  Ealing Music and Film Valentine Festival: A fabulous event with music and film that should match all tastes!  (The Festival Chair is PM Patrick Chapman). Please book by clicking on the festival logo:


SHOPTALK - Tues 13th Feb 5:30 for 6 pm at The Counting House     50 Cornhill EC3V3PD - Apprenticeships in Management Consulting -  Cash bar.  Please bring £15 to cover venue and food. Book here....

- It’s BEHIND you! Oh no it isn't!  Oh yes it is!  Oh no it isn't, really - it's actually ahead of you in February!  Wed 14 - Fri 16 Feb at 7.45pm;  Sat 17 Feb at 2pm AND 5.30pm  AT:  Chestnut Grove Academy, Boundaries Road, Balham, SW12 - less than 5mins' walk from Balham station and free parking at venue. Liveryman and Fairy Godmother Kanan Barot is appearing in a Panto with her local theatre group  doing Cinderella, set in the 1970s, so it will be worth coming for the nostalgia value of flares, tie-dye, sequins, and all the groovy disco tunes - "Don't blame it on the sunshine....." / "I'm in the mood for dancing....". / "Yes sir, I can boogie...".....   You're singing along already, aren't you??  Absolutely suitable for kids of ALL ages!  Tickets: £12 / £9 concessions (Wed & Sat only). Online at:  Call: 07914 657 524 Email:  

- 21 February Cass Dean's Lecture, Charity Talks Honouring Alan Williams -  Contact :  Gill King, Almoner at for details.

-  for the diary:  SHOPTALK Tues 10th April at The Counting House, 50 Cornhill EC3V3PD"AI, Robotics & Real World Consulting". Reservations will be opening shortly (£15, cash on the door, to cover venue and food).

 - “City View” the magazine of the City of London Corporation.  Download the latest edition…

Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Courses, details of all of which are to be found at  The City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of 7 February, 21 May, 8 October and 20 November. The Livery "After Dinner Speaking Course will be on the morning of 14 February and the "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" on 26 September.


Management Consultants adroitly avoiding traps...

A young Management Consultant, under-seasoned, stands in line at the Pearly Gates.  When it’s his turn he steps up and Saint Peter asks, “What have you done that earns you the right to enter?”

The Consultant says, “Well, I saved a girl’s life.”

“Yes?” says Saint Peter.  “And how was that?”

“Well,”  says the Consultant,  “I came out of a bar and I saw this poor girl surrounded by bikers and it looked like they were about to kill her.  There was about a dozen of them, part of a real bad gang;  tattooed, knives and guns – all of them looked like killers.  So I went over to the biggest, baddest one – the leader, I’m sure it was – and I said ‘Now listen!  You just back off!’  And I went and I pushed over his bike, and I slapped him hard to make my point, and I said ‘You get the hell out of here!  If you think you’re even going to touch her you are seriously mistaken!  You will have to go through me first!”

Saint Peter checks his records.  “Wow.  And when did that happen?”

“About six minutes ago.”




PM Patrick Chapman - wrongfooted - after being presented with the 2018 Heather Matheson Award, in recognition of his major and sustained contribution to the pro-bono work undertaken by The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants.

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).