WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

The Rules of Membership


Membership is strictly limited to those who are of standing in their field of management consultancy and who will promote honourable practice in the profession. In seeking new Members, the Company is mindful of the need to enhance the standing and reputation of the profession. New Members should show willingness to participate, both now and in the future, in the affairs of the City of London. Membership numbers are not limited, although there shall be no more than 250 Liverymen.

The Chairman of the Membership Committee is the Membership Secretary and is responsible for the administration of Membership. The Chairman of the Membership Committee must be a senior member of the Company. The Membership Committee consists of at least three Members of the Company.

Membership is limited to those who are directly connected with or related to the profession of management consultancy, those who are concerned with supporting successful business change and enhancing business performance or those who have contributed significantly to the business or profession of management consultancy or have held a high public or private office and significantly influenced the practice of management consultancy. In any case of doubt, the Membership Committee will review an application, formally on behalf of Court, and reserve the right to refuse applications without giving a reason.

Many Livery Companies view membership as a lifelong commitment. We are more flexible and, although we would prefer not, members may resign at any time by submitting their resignation in writing to the Chairman of the Membership Committee or to The Clerk.

Any Member who has resigned from the Company may apply to be re-admitted. The application should be sponsored by a member of the Company Court who has ascertained from the Clerk and Chairman of the Membership Committee that there is no impediment to the application, which should be circulated to all members of the Court for approval. If no objection is received by the Chairman of the Membership Committee within 14 days, the Candidate will be informed that the application has been successful, and asked to pay all due fees. If an objection is received, it will be referred to the next meeting of the Court for discussion and final decision. Readmission into membership is celebrated and recognised at an admissions ceremony.

An individual of outstanding reputation in the consultancy or business community may be invited by the Master to acquire Membership by exemption. The Master will ensure any such individual has a full understanding of the Company's aims and that they are willing to support and participate in the affairs of the Company. The individual will be asked to complete the application form and to pay all due fees, and the Chairman of the Membership Committee will then arrange for formal admission of the individual at the next convenient opportunity.

Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may in special circumstances be conferred upon eminent individuals who, in the opinion of the Court, have made an outstanding contribution concerned with supporting successful business change and enhancing business performance. Honorary Membership may be terminated at the unfettered discretion of the Court as well as by death or resignation of the Honorary Member.

The Court may exclude Members who have offended against the rules of the Company. Exclusion will be immediate and without return of monies to the Member. Reasons for exclusion include:

  • Failure to pay quarterage within three months of demand
  • Criminal or other acts that are likely to bring the Company into disrepute.