WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Charities Supper - January 2023

Our ProBono Work during 2022 in the Spotlight

As we say each year, the Charities Supper is our annual celebration of our philanthropic work; it differentiates us from most other Livery Companies and from other organisations providing support to the NonProfit Civil Sector, with our members providing some £1.3m of support each year through their consultancy and mentoring work. Following our long-established tradition, we had fascinating speeches from three charity guest speakers during the meal, introduced by the ProBono Committee Chair, Patrick Chapman:


  • Rich Thanki - the Founder and Chief Executive of Jangala, the UK-based charity dedicated to enabling internet access for people in need of urgent humanitarian aid or longer-term development assistance
  • Alicia Weston - the founder of Bags of Taste, the charity that transforms the lives of people with multiple disadvantages by giving them the help and practical support they need to buy and cook tasty, healthy and affordable food, making it easier for people to improve their diets, health and finances so they can move out and stay out of food poverty
  • Sian Rees - Chair of the Welsh Archaeological Trusts' Transition Board, the team that are overseeing the complex programme for assessing how the four Archaeological Trusts in Wales should best combine forces

Another element of our tradition is the award of the Matheson Cup, named in memory of Heather Matheson who was a very active member of our ProBono Committee.

Each year the Committee awards the cup to a member of the Company who has contributed significantly to our philanthropic work. This year, Chris Wilson was the recipient in recognition of being the go-to volunteer on pro-bono assignments requiring expertise in working practices, remuneration and employment practices and procedures.

In addition to the speeches and presentation, the Supper was preceded by the Admission of two Freemen, the Clothing a a Liveryman and the Installation of a Court Assistant. The Master also presented an award to Squadron Leader Nigel Moseley for his outstanding contribution to RAF 600 Squadron. And later there was a cheque presentation by the Chair of our Charitable Fund, PM Steve Cant, to the Livery Food Initiative in support of City Harvest.

This was one of our busiest Charity Suppers of all times, as the pictures above and below record.


If you would like a high definition copy of any of these pictures, for a small fee of course, please contact webadmin@wcomc.org