CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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GTKPB - July 2019



* Get To Know Pro Bono - Issue 10 *

8th July 2019

In this issue:  Your chance to get involved in the Pro Bono Committee; a chance to hone your mentoring skills; a celebration of our work with YBI; and a brief look back at some longer-term relationships.

Pro-bono committee

Over the past couple of years I’ve run a feature here about the Pro Bono Committee and the individuals on it.  Well, a couple of those people have stood down recently, and that means that there are opportunities to get involved.   We are looking for new blood!    Becoming a member of the committee would mean committing to the following:

  • Attendance at about 6 meetings per year – it’s not just a talking shop, honest!
  • Carrying out initial diagnostic conversations with not for profit organisations seeking pro bono support – our triage process.
  • Acting as “Assignment Director” on specific pro bono assignments, keeping an eye on things generally and acting as coach / mentor to our member volunteers.
  • Helping to organise pro bono events, ranging from knowledge sharing sessions to the Charities Supper.

And what would you get in return?

  • Meet or engage with some fantastic people working in a range of inspiring organisations
  • A huge sense of satisfaction for having helped and “put something back”.
  • Lots of thanks – that means lots of positive strokes for that Consultant’s ego of yours.

Pro Bono consulting and mentoring is at the very heart of what we do as Modern Livery Company, and this is your chance to get close to the action. Read more on the website:

Mentoring / Mentoring Workshop

Under the leadership of David Glassman and Nanette Young we have continued to develop our pro bono mentoring capability, and demand has been particularly strong over the past few months.  We have also entered into a mentoring partnership with the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) whereby we are “subcontracted” to their mentoring scheme. 

We’re on their website:

With demand for mentors increasing we have arranged another mentoring workshop to be held soon.  As the number of places are limited, please do let me or David Glassman know if you would like to join. The details are:

           Date:            Tuesday, July 23 from 10.00 to 16.30

          Venue:          Cass Business School, Room 3003, 106 Bunhill Row, EC1Y 8TZ                       

          Cost:             £35 to include workshop materials, refreshments and a sandwich lunch.

(Ed:  Please note that this workshop has been rescheduled away from summer)

Charities Supper 2020

I know it’s a long way ahead, but I promised to keep you posted.  Please put this date in your diary NOW:
Wednesday Jan 15th 2020.

Youth Business International (YBI). 

As you probably know the Company plays an especially integral role in YBI's accreditation process, through extensive advisory support, experienced assessors working pro bono, and financial support.  YBl's accreditation process is central to its approach to building a high-quality network for the support of young entrepreneurs around the world. It strengthens and assures the quality and integrity of YBI and its members through independent assessments generously undertaken by expert volunteers.  A group of Company Accreditation Assessors and the Master attended a reception on 2nd July at the YBI’s Headquarters in London. We were celebrating another successful year - the following facts and figures tell the story:

Recent Assignments / Clients

We aim to publicise our Pro Bono efforts via this newsletter, so here are a couple of examples where a short initial engagement has led to longer term relationships for members of the Pro Bono Committee: 

Girlguiding Cymru – Pro Bono Chair Patrick Chapman got involved with Girlguiding Wales about three years ago.  Not the easiest place to get to, and perhaps not the most natural fit, but he’s still involved and is now a Trustee.

YMCA England and Wales – Two years ago First Warden Denise Fellows got involved with YMCA England and Wales after a vague request for help.  After a bumpy start she was able to clarify what was required and subsequently was asked to help on several fronts including advice on property (where she was able to involve other Members) and on managing federated organisations (where she’s an expert). Denise now Chairs the working group on member services for the Federation.

Dental Wellness Trust – Our Master has been involved with this charity for about 3 years, helping with strategy and business plans. The Charity promotes dental health and uses volunteer dentists to deliver treatment in deprived areas of the U.K. , South African townships and Kenya.

I’ve written previously about my own long-term involvement with The Fore and Volunteering Matters.  The point is that pro bono assignments can be as short OR as long, as you want them to be!  It’s as simple as that. Go ahead – get involved – you never know what ‘ll happen. 

High Ground

And finally, I make no apology reprinting this great article about a Pro bono Assignment advertised here a couple of years ago and carried out by Chris Sutton, our Treasurer.   Chris worked with High Ground:   a charity which provides horticultural therapy for wounded ex-service people, and also helps people leaving the military to find jobs in the land-based sector.

The work involved mentoring the Founder and Chief Executive, Anna Baker Cresswell, as she prepared the horticultural therapy centre for a complex move from Headley Court in Surrey to the new Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre at Stanford Hall in Leicestershire. The charity is essentially a guest on MoD premises, and there was a lot of work for Anna and her trustees to move the garden and recruit new staff in the Midlands.

The assignment also looked at how to enhance High Ground’s governance and fund-raising capabilities. Anna was one of our guests at our Charity Dinner at Skinners Hall in January, and I am sure many readers enjoyed listening to her.

Over and Out

Thank you as ever for reading this far.   This might be the last dedicated Pro Bono Newsletter from me for a while.  I’ll be taking over the Company Newsletter from Elizabeth Consalvi soon and I hope to meet you again there, with more on Pro Bono.   I also hope to see you at the Our Summer Celebration Dinner.

​Kind regards

Steve Cant

Steve Cant
ProBono Committee

WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions,
share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.
We provide a unique opportunity to engage with those shaping the future of the UK, particularly management consultants working within the City.
WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).