CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
United Guilds Service and Lunch 28 Mar:  St Paul's Cathedral
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL April 2019


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

John Corneille, Master

Skinners' Hall






This month's Authors

Jeff Cant


Sue Ells 



Alan Latham

































Newsletter Editor:




Website Support:















Issue 59:  April 2019


Your Master's Voice - 

The last month, apart from a short Easter respite, has continued to be busy. 
Internally, I particularly enjoyed another Shop Talk session at which two of our new joiners spoke about their background and motivation for joining the Company to a group of about 25 of us, in the upstairs room of the Artillery Arms in Bunhill Row. A very relaxing and sociable evening with lots of opportunity for a chat over a couple of drinks. Two of those attending were new to the Company and it is an ideal event for potential recruits to meet existing members and to find out more in an informal setting - and it doesn’t cost very much! If you have friends or colleagues who might be interested in finding out more about the Company please consider bringing them along to the next Shop Talk, which we hold every couple of months.

Around the Livery, I went to a lecture organised by the Air Pilots Company on the training of RAF fighter pilots. This was given by the Squadron Leader in charge of advanced training based in North Wales. Along with the Israelis, we are apparently world leaders in fighter pilot training. Very interesting to hear how tailored the training is to individuals; the extent of involvement of psychological assessment and support; and the use of very sophisticated technologies. I also liked the emphasis placed on the development of sharing our cultural attitudes among the students, who were encouraged to discuss openly with their colleagues failures as well as successes - important when you consider that failure in a live situation is likely to result in death. I was also amused to hear that the varied and unpredictable weather of North Wales is welcomed, because it provides lots of varied scenarios in which to test the trainees. So there are some advantages to our weather!




 Shopping Talk on the 10th of April 2019...  On receiving a very seductive invitation from Patrick Chapman [Past Master and current Pro Bono Chairman] to something billed as a ‘Shop Talk’...  a bemused Jeff Cant attempts to figure out what is going on...


- The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants:  What's it all about then...?

Sue Ells, Liveryman, reports on the fun and learning of her first year of getting stuck in...


-  My memories of Treloar's....

Liveryman Alan Latham, whose father was a Teacher there, recounts from a schoolboy's perspective his experience of having lived in the school grounds with his family...


Keeping Informed:

Crossrail Project Updates obtained through the Freedom of Information Act:  These are independent reviews; general project updates and papers to the Mayor on Crossrail and the Elizabeth Line.



Monday 13th May 2019 at Vintners’ Hall:   the 6th Annual Reflections of The Lord Mayor.  Speaker:  Sir Andrew Parmley, who will be sharing reflections of his time as the 689th Lord Mayor of London.  The theme of Sir Andrew’s Reflections is - Just Say YES! You will find more details, including booking details at :

-  Wednesday 29 May at 18.30.  A concert celebrating English music by Sir Andrew Parmley [currently Master Vintner]    in St James Garlickhythe church (opposite Vintners’ Hall) to celebrate English music.  It will be performed by the Marcel Sinfonia.  The programme will include Andrew Campling’s Organ Concerto with the composer conducting and the Master playing the organ. 

Wine and a selection of canapés will be included in the ticket price of £50 per person

Read more about the concert and register online for tickets.!event/register/2019/5/29/a-concert-celebrating-english-music-performed-by-the-marcel-ensemble-and-the-master-vintner

- May 29th, 2019:  6:15 PM   to   9:00 PM A Thameside Walk in Rotherhithe -– Location: Rotherhithe Overground Station, Railway Avenue, London, SE16-4LF

With the absence of formal events in May, enjoy a short social walk, led by Second Warden John Pulford with other members along historic streets and a section of the Thames Path in Rotherhithe, stopping off at two famous pubs, both of which serve food. The rewards will be fine views of the Thames riverside looking towards Tower Bridge and a relaxing evening. Bring a potential member to show them what nice people we are, your spouse and/or a friend.    We will meet at 6.15 for a 6.30pm start at Rotherhithe Overground Station, or you can follow on to the Angel at your leisure. If you need help phone John Pulford on 07771 905300, or Bob Harris on 07802 406658. There is no charge for joining the walk, but please register so that we know who to expect.  Those registered are listed here. Book here:

-  Friday, 17th May 2019  Blacksmiths' Company Mansion House Banquet Tickets:£120.  Contact Blacksmiths’ Clerk, Jill Moffat:   or Tel: 0207 248 1861 for further information.

- Wednesday 8th May 2019 – 6.0pm for 6.30pm in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre London EC1 (at the junction of Holborn Viaduct and Giltspur Street); The Royal Fusiliers Memorial Chapel Committee invites attendance at The Fourth Annual Memorial Lecture, when General Sir Peter Wall GCB CBE DL will speak on "Our Duty to our Soldiers:  How are we doing”. This lecture is free of charge, but there will be a retiring collection for the Chapel. At 7.30pm, further discussion may take place informally over a glass of wine afterwards.  Those wishing to attend are asked to send their names by e-mail to by Wednesday 1st May.  Bids will be confirmed, but no hard-copy tickets will be issued.

-  SAVE THE DATE - The WCoMC Education Supper - 11th June.    We have two speakers at our annual supper, to be held on HQS Wellington, the only Livery Hall on the Thames. Against the backdrop of the need for a mix of traditional and ever-advancing technological skills, they will be reflecting on the importance of professionalism in management consultancy. Please put the date, 11th June, in your diary now.

- Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the 2019 Programme of City Briefings and Courses:    details of all of which are to be found at    

-   Guildhall Events coming up in the Summer 2019 season!

-  Tuesday, 11th June 2019:  “Bridge at the Bailey” An Evening of Bridge in the Grand Hall   Organised by the Sheriffs of the City of London and Benefitting The Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund in their support of ex-Offenders and their Families - The Grand Hall Central Criminal Court Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EH 5:30pm Arrival (for security screening) 6:00pm Start of first round. Play 7:00pm. Hot Buffet and Wine 8:00pm. Second round 9:30pm Conclusion    ▪ Groups of Four are invited to book ;  Highest score Trophy to be awarded; Bridge skills of all levels encouraged to attend this Fun evening Tickets £75 each. Available from end of April 2019 Register your interest at:

- A Night at the Opera -

Internationally acclaimed Garsington Opera will join the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress in hosting an evening of fine dining with operatic entertainment in aid of The Lord Mayor’s Appeal on Tuesday 16 July 2019 from 6.30pm at historic Guildhall. Guests will be entertained to an edited version of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, presented and sung by the understudies for each role, who are members of Garsington Opera’s Alvarez Young Artists Programme.

This is a truly unique event, combining not just a fabulous dinner but also a truly memorable performance of Don Giovanni by exciting young opera talent alongside an unparalleled outreach opportunity for 240 secondary school students. Standard tables of 10 are £5,000, individual tickets £500 per person and sponsorship tables of 10 are £10,000. All net proceeds from the evening will go to The Lord Mayor’s Appeal supporting Place2Be, OnSide Youth Zones and Samaritans. To book tickets or for further information, please contact the Appeal team at or call 020 7332 1582.

Management Consultants focus on priorities...

- A Management Consultant is staggering through the desert;  lost, dying of thirst, when he sees something in the far off distance.

Hoping to find water, he hurries toward ‘the object’ - only to find a little old man at a small stand, selling ties.

The lost Consultant croaks, “Do you have water?!”

To which the tie vendor replies, “I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They’re only £5.”

The Consultant is beside himself, “I don’t need a fancy tie! I need water!”

“Okay, okay,” soothes the old tie vendor. “Well, if you continue over that hill to the east for about five miles, there you’ll find a lovely restaurant. It has all the ice cold water you could want.”

Gasping and muttering, the Consultant staggers off over the hill. Several hours later he crawls back, almost dead. He collapses at the vendor’s stand, gasping...

“They won’t let me in without a tie!!”

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).