Creative Edge (AI tools) Workshop 5 Feb:  Bayes Business School
Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
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NL February 2019


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

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John Corneille, Master


What’s up?

An imperative!

Join our Pancake Racing Team in Guildhall Yard on Shrove Tuesday - March 5th

Past Master Edward Sankey (in the scarlet)  first entered WCoMC into this mad venture, yodelling that never had 200yds seemed so far!  From the beginning it was always and only between him and Master Marketor, Michael Harrison, as the lead changed during stops for flips and to turn at the far end of Guildhall Yard. Having entered their man who had the legs of a Basketball player, on this occasion the Marketors actually did win on a photo-finish... HOWEVER...

Last year IPM David Johnson drew gasps of amazement from the other Livery Company supporters, notably cheered on by a large presence of Livery Firemen, as he was accredited with 65 pancake flips and awarded a magnificent copper frying pan.   A proud record for the Company to uphold this coming Shrove Tuesday….!   [see Notices for joining details]


This month's Authors

Dr Rebecca Harding,  Liveryman

[see article]


Dr Simon Davey, Freeman

[see article]


Calvert Markham, Father of the Livery

[see new CMCE website]


Past Master David Peregrine-Jones

[see article]


Chris Sutton, Liveryman

[see article]


John  McLean Fox

John Watson

[see article]




Fancy a Heraldic Image of your own?  See Notices re Grant of Arms workshop






Newsletter Editor:



Website Support:







Issue 57:  February 2019


Your Master's Voice... 

They say time flies when you are enjoying yourself and, as I move rapidly to the mid-point of my year as Master, it feels very much that way to me. However, alongside the many good things about being Master, is a sense of frustration about how long it takes to achieve some of the changes we need to run the company more effectively. Part of the problem is – as with all membership organisations working to a very limited budget - we are critically dependent on volunteer resources to run the Company and to deliver the changes. We are very lucky to have so many people within the Company prepared to give so much of their time to support our activities, for which I’m very grateful. But we could always do with more help.  So - if you are interested in becoming involved, it would be great to hear from you! My email is



Photo of more senior Past Master William Barnard and his wife Maureen entertaining much younger Past Master (indeed Immediate) David Johnson and his wife Mary at Sydney Harbour on 19th February 2019. William has subtly chosen a Vasse Felix Filius Chardonnay, typified by its bright elegant fruit, subtle wild complexities and a tight acid structure reflecting the vibrancy and purity of this Margaret River variety. 'Filius' translates as 'son of ', reflecting the relationship between the 'son' and the 'father’- and the immediate and senior past master.  The wine was thoroughly enjoyed!  [Perfectly obvious from your narrative, IPM...  Editor]                [Submitted by IPM David Johnson, DownUnder]


Business as usual, until it’s not usual?

The last week of February could have been a defining week for global trade. We could have seen the imposition of tariffs on $200bn of Chinese imports into the US; we could have seen the UK Parliament taking control of the Brexit process.    But we didn’t...  Dr Rebecca Harding, Liveryman, elucidates...

- Why are you not putting your customer first? The power of online communities might cause more disruption than a regulator could or would. If you’re playing outside the lines you probably don’t care; if you’re trying to be good, you almost certainly should. Dr Simon Davey, Freeman, explores the options...  

- The Company's Centre for Management Consulting Excellence has been making great progress this year with the launch of its new website at you will see the first edition of its occasional newsletter... 

- The Centre’s second Technical Symposium “From Hype to Reality” on February 28th    was concerned with developing new consultancy services. In March we will be launching the report on the research study we did last year into the skills needed by management consultants in 2030. We will let you know when you can download copies of this...  [Father of the Livery, Calvert Markham.]

The impact of the Company's Charitable activities... It’s not always easy to see or share with everyone the impact of the Company’s charitable activities - whether as a result of our ProBono work, or the grants made by the Charitable Fund - or indeed a combination. Of course, our annual report gives an overview and the Charities Supper (sell-out this year!) allows those present to hear from several charity CEOs whom we have helped. PM David Peregrine-Jones gives two examples of our successful grants... 

- Despite weaving through lions and zebras on his bicycle at Hells Gate, National Park Chris Sutton survived to blog about his Charity assignments in Kenya and Uganda... Your Treasurer's exploits - Part Three... 

Faith Group Event: On Tuesday, 5th March at St Ethelburga’s Centre in Bishopsgate, the Faith Group has invited Bishop Stephen Platten to speak about the significance of that little red book you received at the Freedom of the City of London ceremony – “Rules for the Conduct of Life”.  Liverymen John McLean Fox and John Watson provide some more background and invite you to register...  


- Tuesday March 5th   at Guildhall. WCoMC has been invited to field a full team at the forthcoming Pancake Race so it would be wonderful if there was good support from the Company. Denise Fellows and Kanan Barot are masterminding the team and lunch afterwards. Please contact them for more details: or 

After the races, luncheon is served in the Crypts and a certain number of tickets are included in your entry fee.  We welcome you to invite friends and supporters to join us for both the races and the luncheon and we have a number of additional lunch tickets available for this purpose.  Tickets are priced at £30.00 each and admit one person to lunch; payment can be accepted via bank transfer (Royal Bank of Scotland Acc No: 23167762 Sort Code: 16-00-15)  or via cheque (payable to "Master Poulter's Pelican Trust"). Tickets will be available for collection on the day from a new check-in desk at the races and will be required to be surrendered on entrance to the Crypt. For more information, contact: 

- Rules for the Conduct of Life:  Tues 5th March at 6:30 pm.  The event will be held at St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace at 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG  Please click here for further details and to make your reservations.

- The Membership Reception 2019 - at 6:30- 9:30 pm on Tuesday 19th March 2019 at Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2V7HH.  Admissions Ceremony: 6:30pm;  Members' Reception: 6:45pm. Please aim to bring prospective members as your guests to this informal celebration of WCoMC Membership.  Information and booking: please click here Business Attire.        Ticket Price: £42 / £45

- How can you petition the Crown for a Grant of Arms?? the 10th Grant of Arms workshop will be held on Monday 11 March at IT Hall.  Visit for full details and online enrolment.  [See the Heraldic image on the left].

- 6:30-10:30 on 23rd April, the  Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars has invited us to celebrate the 125th Anniversary, St Georges Day Banquet 2019 in the Great Hall of Guildhall London.  In attendance will be their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and also the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, and sheriff The Honourable Elizabeth Green. The evening will commence with an English sparkling wine reception at 6:30pm followed by dinner at 7:30pm, there will be the traditional parade of Roast Beef and the singing of patriotic songs.   Guest speaker will be John Benjamin, Antiques Road Show Jewellery expert  Tickets by 9 April at £125 per person. For more information please contact Alan Cook: or call on 07785 252 120.

- The Royal Fusiliers Memorial Chapel Committee invites attendance at The Fourth Annual Memorial Lecture, on Wednesday 8th May 2019 – 6.0pm for 6.30pm in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre London EC1 (at the junction of Holborn Viaduct and Giltspur Street); when General Sir Peter Wall GCB CBE DL will speak on "Our Duty to our Soldiers:  How are we doing”. This lecture is free of charge, but there will be a retiring collection for the Chapel. At 7.30pm, further discussion may take place informally over a glass of wine afterwards.  Those wishing to attend are asked to send their names by e-mail to by Wednesday 1st May.  Bids will be confirmed, but no hard-copy tickets will be issued.

- Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Course:    details of all of which are to be found at  January 2019 to be seen on this site shortly].

The Training Programmes favoured by Management Consultants occasionally fail to work with animals...

A Management Consultant walks into a bar with his dog.

“This is a talking dog," he announces. "If this dog can answer my questions, who will buy me a drink?”

“You can have one on the house,” the barman says.

The Consultant turns to his dog. “What goes on the top of a house?”

Dog:  “Roof!”

Consultant: “What does tree bark feel like?”

Dog: “Rough!”

Consultant: “Who is the greatest baseball player ever?”

Dog: “Ruth!

The barman is clearly annoyed and snaps at the consultant:  “That’s enough!  You and your dog -  Get out!”

After the Management Consultant and the dog are thrown out, the dog looks sadly at his owner. “Should I have said DiMaggio?”

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).
