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Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
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“Rules for the Conduct of Life”...

The Faith Group discusses the significance of the booklet received at the Freedom of the City of London ceremony...


Fellow liverymen and women, what did you do with that little red book you were given when you received the Freedom of the City of London? 

 “Rules for the Conduct of Life” has an interesting history and means different things to different people; seen as quaint but irrelevant by some;  and by others as an important reference source for values we are in danger of casting aside in a secular society.

On Tuesday, 5th March at St Ethelburga’s Centre in Bishopsgate, the Faith Group has invited Bishop Stephen Platten to speak about the significance of this short booklet.

                                    Bishop Stephen Platten

He will open with information on livery mottos and references to Christianity, then move on to look to the various religious sources and scriptures from which we have gained our moral sense. Finally he will look at the virtues and natural law, concluding with a brief glance at attempts to seek out a global ethic.  He will be addressing the issue of how religion might help set our moral compass in both the City and beyond. 

We have invited 3 respondents from different faith backgrounds to reply to Bishop Stephen with their own summary reflections:  Jasvir Singh (Chair of City Sikhs);  Rabbi Jonathan Romain MBE;  and our own Noorzaman Rashid.  Michael Binyon, journalist and trustee of St Ethelburga’s, will be our chairman for the evening, which we think will be very stimulating and interesting.

We would very much appreciate and value your support. If you have not already done so,  please visit the Events page to find out more details and to register...

Registration will remain open until the event and it will be possible to buy tickets on entry.  However, the sooner we have a steer on final numbers the better

           John McLean Fox




                                                                               John Watson

                                                       WCOMC Faith Group