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The Company’s New Almoner(s)....

Previously Third Warden, Sally Garratt takes on the Almoner's role....


The Company’s New Almoner(s)

At the Installation Dinner for our new Master in October, Gill King, who has served as the Company’s Almoner for six years, passed on her badge of   office to  Sally GarrattSally has previously played her part in the Company;  firstly as Mistress to her husband,  Past Master   Bob Garratt and then for two years as Third Warden.  Sally and Bob have both always shown an interest in getting to know   members and their welfare, which will certainly stand Sally in good stead for this new appointment. 

 The reference to Almoner(s) above is because Sally will be supported in her role as Almoner by Court Assistant John Watson There being only one Almoner’s pendant (generously donated by Past Master Mary Collis when Gill   took over the role) and John being both a gentleman and a more recent member than Sally, it was   agreed between them that Sally should carry the title. 

John is Chair of the Faith Group and a member of Court, so is similarly well placed to partner Sally in their fungible role as Almoner. 

Going forward, you may contact either Sally or John as ‘the Almoner’ or may be contacted by either. 

Sally’s email address is and John’s is

Sally will be updating the Almoner information on the Company’s website which will also include telephone numbers.

As the outgoing Almoner, Gill is delighted to be handing over to Sally and John and with her we wish them every success in their new joint role.






Gill King handing the Almoner's

         badge to Sally Garratt