Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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... and out like a lamb (not!)

To St Pauls on 15 March for the United Guilds Service with a very interesting sermon delivered by the Bishop of Chelmsford on the challenging “labourers in the vineyard” parable, introduced by a nice observation that the Churchmen particularly like the UGS because it’s the one service in the year when the congregation is more oddly dressed than the clergy!

Following the service, we lunched at Plaisterers’ Hall with an excellent turnout of 25 members for a very convivial lunch. It was a special pleasure to see former Charity Committee Chair, Liveryman John McLean Fox and his wife Maria there, both looking so well!

In the following week we held our first Assistants’ Court meeting at Guildhall in the Aldermen’s Dining Room followed by a reception for new, newish and prospective members with a very good turnout of over 50 for a great evening. We also entertained guests from the Financial Services Group of Companies from whom we had an update on the significant contribution that this group, with our support, is making to the City’s business.

The Court meeting covered some interesting inputs from Doug Prior’s and Bob Edenborough’s valuable survey of members’ opinions and activities and results will be appearing shortly on the website. First Warden Edward Sankey has kindly agreed to lead a little task group to absorb and act on the implications of the survey’s findings – of which more anon.

Finally, to Apothecaries Hall on 27 March where the Clerk and I were guests at the Turners’ Court Luncheon, splendidly entertained and treated to a viewing of some excellent turned “masterpieces” which had me fantasising about getting a lathe for my garden shed!

And so to the Easter break and such wonderful weather....!