Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Marching on....!

In the Livery world, March certainly came in like a lion with a six events in the first two weeks – culminating in the Lord Mayor’s Mansion House Banquet for Livery Masters and Consorts on 14th.

On 4 March to the delightful “Dutch Church” in Austin Friars for a lecture, hosted by the City Guides (not the “woggle” kind but the very well-informed people who take groups of tourists around the great sights of London!)  given by Lord Dannatt, former Chief of the General Staff and now Warden of the Tower of London. Fascinating insights into four decades of military service from Belfast to Basra coupled with hints on the interesting relationship between the military and politicians at various sensitive points in our recent history. Key revelation was that the all-important ravens are kept in the Tower by judicious clipping of their wings and regular topping up of the stock from a farm in the West Country!

On 7 March to the Mansion House to the Lord Mayor’s “Industry Dinner” hosting Dr Vince Cable with another take on the socio-economic requirements for business recovery. An excellent dinner and a stimulating speech on the evening when the newspapers had been full – again – of talk of fundamental disagreements between members of the Coalition!

On 11 March to the Modern Livery Companies Spring Dinner, the latest in a series which our company is due to host in Autumn 2019 – so not an immediate managerial priority! This was hosted by the Worshipful Company of Insurers and addressed by Sheriff Nigel Pullman who encouraged members of modern companies to consider taking on the challenges of the great City offices, such as Sheriff, including the challenge of sourcing appropriate hosiery for times when breeches and silver buckled shoes are de rigueur!

On 12 March to the Security Professionals Annual Lecture given by Deputy Chief Constable Gordon Meldrum, Director Designate of the Organised Crime Command of the National Crime Agency? A fascinating description of intelligence-led policing with a spin on database management that marketers would recognise as CRM – Criminal Relationship Management – where the mapping of crime networks is allowing much more proactive disruption of business as usual for all kinds of organised crime.

13 March saw the 650th anniversary of the granting of the Vintners’ Royal Charter and a splendid  choral evensong  at St Pauls followed by some excellent, as expected, vinous hospitality at a reception afterwards.

Finally, on 14 March the "full house" of Livery Company Masters and their consorts were royally entertained by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress at a Mansion House Banquet. A white-tie affair with the Honourable Artillery Company Pikemen and Musketeers “in dread array” surrounding the Lord Mayor in the reception line and the Royal Trumpeters preceding each speech and toast with a superb trumpet fanfare. Excellent fun, but a bit deafening for those of us sitting a yard or two from the four trumpeters!