WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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GTKPB - February 2018



Get To Know Pro Bono - Issue 5

14th February 2018  


Welcome to the 5th issue of “Get to Know Pro Bono”.  This is cut down version as I’m off on my travels again. In this issue there is an interesting mentoring opportunity and early warnings of two other opportunities that are still in development. But we’ll start with a review of the Charities Supper held on 18th January. 

Charities Supper 2018

If you were one of the 120 people that attended on Jan 18th then you know that this was a very successful event.   If you were not there, then read on and make sure you don’t miss out next year.

Among the guest list it soon become apparent that there were several, let’s call them “high profile", guests. I can’t name names but it certainly added a bit of extra pressure!

Many guests have subsequently emailed me, and other members of the Pro Bono Committee, and said how much they enjoyed it.  Based on this feedback all the guests were impressed with the surroundings, the quality of food and drink and, as ever, the quality of speeches from the Charity guest speakers.  I too thought they were all genuinely inspirational.

There was clearly a lot of networking going on during the evening and the Master detected a 'buzz' around the tables in Skinners Hall during the supper. Once I’d got over my nerves, I noticed that too.

I must express here a big thank you to all those involved in the planning and preparation for this event, including the Clark and her team, the Wine Committee and colleagues on the Pro Bono Committee. We’ve raised the bar again!

I’ll leave the last word to one of our guest speakers who emailed me after the event:   “The WCoMC is a leader in the livery world; if only more Companies were as outward looking as you are”.

Volunteering update

Of the two charities needing help last time around we were able to help one – Bioregional.  Thank you for volunteering, Gwen Stirling Wilkie. Thank you too, to those of you who signed up for my short list of folk ready to respond to short sharp volunteering opportunities.  Watch this space.... 

New Mentoring Opportunity – ORBIS UK

Details about this opportunity has been emailed to members.

Early warnings! 

Unusually, in this issue I can trail a couple of opportunities that are currently under discussion:

  • I’ve been talking to an Essex based charity that needs some help in bringing its in house policies and procedures up to date.   We’ve done similar work before, so I hope we can help with this one. Full details next time.
  • A member of the House of Lords has established a National Commission for Muslim Women – it’s a CIC. We believe that this Commission will need someone to help them develop and pull together their vision into a strategic plan that can be passed to prospective donors for funding.  This could be a high profile and very rewarding assignment….  More details next time.

“Get to know your ProBono Committee”

In this regular section, we introduce a member of the ProBono Committee.  This time Past Master Patrick Chapman is in "the hot seat". He says:

"I joined WCoMC over ten years' ago with a mixed background of Commercial and NonProfit consulting work. It therefore wasn't long before I was 'allocated' my first ProBono assignment. One thing led to another - including attending a mentoring workshop focused on learning and practising mentoring skills (which as a lifelong consultant was quite revelatory) - ultimately being wound into the Charities Committee (as it was then known), and later elected as its chairman.

"I make no bones about it, I think our ProBono work is special and is a great way to "Give and Gain". I have worked with numerous charities over the years and helped various fellow members to get involved with this work. My most recent assignments are with Girl Guiding Wales and The Ironbridge Museum Trust. I would encourage every member to get involved with our work and would be very happy to help anyone who might feel uneasy at making the transition from paid work to ProBono work in the NonProfit sector.

"And yes - this is an area of our Company that I am still very passionate about. It differentiates us and makes our Livery Company special."

Finally, a reminder...

Our next ProBono Evening will be with Big Society Capital:
Date:           Wednesday 28th February (5.30pm-8pm)
Location:    Big Society Capital, 10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1AZ
Cost:           £20 at the door. 

Some 5 years ago, the government funded Big Society Capital to become a wholesale provider of funds so that lives could be improved through a better connection between investment and the work of charities and social enterprises.

Members, and particularly those who have undertaken mentoring roles, are invited to the evening session at the offices of Big Society Capital. Please email David Glassman without delay if you wish to attend, or have any queries. For more information on this event please click here to visit our website. 

Thank you
​Kind regards

Steve Cant

Steve Cant
Chair, ProBono Committee


We nurture, support and help


The Charities Supper

Sarah Lindsell
CEO - The Brain Tumour Charity

Mary Rose Gunn
CEO - The Fore

Yasmine Ahmed
CEO - Rights Watch UK

The Charities Supper
Suprise Award

Host Steve Cant wrong-footing
PM Patrick Chapman, presenting him with the Heather Matheson Cup

  - - - - - -


ProBono Evening

Big Society Capital are hosts
28th February 2018

ProBono Programme:

Website Support:


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions,
share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.
We provide a unique opportunity to engage with those shaping the future of the UK, particularly management consultants working within the City.
WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).