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Master's Blog - Stardate

To Goldsmiths’ Hall on Thursday 4 Dec for the Annual Marketors’ Company Lecture given this year by Professor Emeritus Patrick Barwise of London Business School. He discussed his recent book, which had been favourably reviewed as “the marketing book for those who’ve read too many marketing books”, and the refreshingly simple principle that successful companies “keep their promises to their customers”. This is a principle that I would like to develop in my year as Master to maintain and add value to membership of our Company to which end, I’m delighted that Assistant Graham Kennedy has agreed to take on a brief to consider how we do this. I see this as complementing the very valuable research amongst members and former members that Liveryman Doug Prior is currently doing to explore the satisfiers and dissatisfiers of Company membership.

To the Deanery of Southwark Cathedral on Friday 7 Dec to attend an “At Home” given by the Dean, the Very Reverend Andrew Nunn. The Deanery is right next door to the Globe Theatre – a delightful Georgian house with the most fantastic view of St Pauls on the other side of the river – where I had a somewhat rash discussion with a member of the Dean’s fundraising team about the possibility of a fundraising abseil down The Shard which is very much on the Dean’s “patch”. Too much good wine .... I think I may regret this!

My first Assistants’ Court meeting on 6 December when I was delighted that Past Masters and Assistants supported the “Call to Arms” agenda that I outlined last month, and, in particular, one of the key initiatives that I am keen to push forward. This is the “Celebration Dinner” on 9 May 2013 to be held in the Prince Consort Room at the Honourable Artillery Company with Musical entertainment by the National Youth Orchestra and ceremonial support from the Sea Cadets.

The idea of the dinner, in our Company’s 21st year, is to celebrate the pro-bono activity of the Consultancy profession as a whole. To this end we will be undertaking a survey, with the invaluable assistance of the Management Consultancies Association, and we will also be launching a competition to recognise the most innovative and significant pro-bono activities of the profession. Assistants Bob Harris and Noorzaman Rashid are leading on this event, which we see as giving the industry a voice and platform to convey messages about “putting something back”.

The Supper held after the Court meeting at Coopers Hall was also the opportunity to thank Liveryman Adrian Williams, our recently retired Almoner, for his splendid work and to welcome Liveryman Gill King, his successor, from whom we’ll be hearing more.

A very pleasant lunch on 11 December organised by Assistant Noorzaman Rashid and Second Warden Patrick Chapman at Sofra’s Turkish Restaurant in Shepherds Market was great opportunity to gather and mark the Company’s pro-bono efforts. It was a great bonus to see former Assistant John McLean-Fox who was the moving spirit behind the Company’s Charity Committee from the outset and who laid the foundations for this most significant part of the Company’s activities.

Finally, Royal Mail willing, members will shortly be receiving the Company Christmas Card which will contain the 2013 Calendar and I do hope that this will encourage participation in our events as we enter the New Year!