CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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City Values Forum - Governing Culture

A guide to Board Leadership in Purpose, Values and Culture

Culture really can kill strategy, and for that matter organisations. Interestingly it is rarely a major issue for Boards, who assume that the executive is “managing” a strategically aligned culture.

The City Values Forum, which was initiated by WCoMC four years ago, has recently published a new guide for Boards on Governing Culture, commissioned by the FRC (Financial Reporting Council). It was launched at a Mansion House conference at the end of September 2016, along with papers from the Institute of Business Ethics, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the FRC itself as part of an FRC initiative to ensure that Boards and Executives recognize their accountability for the culture of their organisations.

Sir Win Bischoff chaired the conference and wrote the forward to our Guide. Sir Roger Carr wrote the introduction. Our Guide is a really practical resource with questions for the Board to ask itself, a roadmap providing Boards with an assessment of their maturity and a series of case studies and quotes around, what we termed our 6 Pillars of Culture Governance: INSPIRING purpose and values, ALIGNING purpose, values, strategy and capability, PROMOTING AND EMBODYING purpose and values; GUIDING decisions using purpose and values, ENCOURAGING desired behaviours, and ASSURING progress is being achieved. Although the Guide was commissioned by the FRC, we have written for all organisations in all three sectors.

The Guide is free, and is available by clicking on this link.

Liveryman Richard Finn
Joint Author

City Values Forum