CMCE Research Awards and Urwick Prize 17 Oct:  Zoom Virtual Meeting
Mentor Training Workshop 22 Oct:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Management consultants put up a good show at Sandown Park, Surrey....

Having at one point taken a corner too fast and driven into the wall, I began to think...."This is great!"....       


This year we put two teams into the Lord Mayor's Annual Go-Kart Racing Fundraiser at Sandown Park.  The Glovers Company was responsible for organising this event.  Second Warden, David Johnson, was Teams Manager, wth Master, David Peregrine-Jones and First Warden, Noorzaman Rashid waving on their respective teams.    I accidentally volunteered to be part of the team, never having even sat in a Go-Kart in my life before.  So we gathered on Sunday 19th June at Sandown Park, with a very supportive showing of Livery members, who turned up with an impressive picnic and delectable wines (that none of us drivers could drink). My (Wardens) Team - 'Giving' included Liveryman Paul Squire and  Peter Green, and our principal opponents were the Masters team - 'Gaining', consisting of Liveryman Mark Hoble, Christian Squire and Jackie Johnson.

On this hot day, we put on our helmets and suits and got ready for the practice run.  My first thought was “…this is nothing like driving my Audi S5”.  It was bumpy and people were screaming past me.  It was the longest five minutes ever.   I got out of the car, hot and thirsty;  now I know why Lewis Hamilton is so slim. 

On our team we had some fantastic members, who clearly did this regularly;  the slick outfits they came in gave it away as well as some of the impressive timings achieved. One of our team members clocked up the fastest lap.  I was slightly apprehensive as I got in the Go-Kart for my actual lap race, thinking - "I am never going to do this again..." ;  but by the time I emerged 20 minutes later, having at one point taken a corner too fast and driven into the wall, I thought - "... this is great...!   We were welcomed with celebratory drinks by our supporters, [the Master’s team having only just prevailed...] but we beat other Modern Livery companies and beat our own challenge - ("...don’t come last!...).

We’d like to thank all those who came to support us and our friends who joined the Management Consultant Teams.  We look forward to putting a great team (or two) together for next year!







Freeman Kulbir Shergill,  here celebrating with the First Warden, Noorzaman Rashid

+44 7891 110049