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Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
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Knowledge of the City of Westminster -evening seminars and guided walks....

Lecture Series 01 - for June and July 2015


11th June 2015

London’s Growing Up! – the development of tall buildings

Ian Swankie


18th June 2015

The Shifting Sands of Power: the Heart of Westminster

Pernille Ahlström


25th June 2015

The Victoria Embankment Kaleidoscope

Bryan Jones


2nd July 2015

London in the First World War

David Evans



Venue:                         City of Westminster Archives Centre
10 St Ann's Street


Time                6.30pm to 8pm


Cost                 £10 per lecture or £36 for the series of 4 lectures


To Book -



Please send cheque made payable to “Down Memory Lane” to:
Down Memory Lane, 2 Violet Road, London E18 1DG

Please include your email address

Bank transfer

Please contact Debbie Pearson for details


It is possible to pay cash on the night, but I’m afraid we can’t guarantee there will be space if the venue is already full.

Walks              There will be an optional walk led by each guide on the Saturday after the lecture.

Enquiries:        Debbie Pearson on 07752 288367   or

For further details please see the website:

Knowledge of the City of Westminster is organised by Westminster Guides: Debbie Pearson & Kathryn Prevezer. 

All the lecturers are qualified City of Westminster Guides.