2015 Formation of Golf Panel
Our inaugural own event is proposed for Friday 19 June -
to be held at the 150- year- old London Scottish Golf Club on Wimbledon Common......
David Shannon has volunteered to start a Company Golf Panel. The purpose is for Company members to enjoy playing golf together as well as to encourage fellowship.
This builds on previous occasions such as when the Company fielded a team last year to participate at Coombe Wood in a day’s golf organised by the Worshipful Company of World Traders.
We have already been asked to enter a team in two City based events this year. Our inaugural own event is proposed for Friday 19 June to be held at the 150 year-old London Scottish Golf Club on Wimbledon Common. This is less than 10 miles from 8 Dowgate Hill.
Would any Company member with an interest in golf, please let David Shannon know soon. He will answer any questions and, if you wish, contact you with opportunities to play with other members as well as with groups from other City organisations.
The Panel is formally recognised by the First Warden and keen golfer David Peregrine-Jones who will keep the Court of Assistants informed.
THE GOLFERS! Current WCoMC Team participants: Left to right: Ron Cruickshank (poached from another top team) at left with the Woburn trophy winners, Jeff Herman, David Peregrine-Jones, David Shannon
Contact: David.Shannon@opmg.co.uk
020 7371 0344