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Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
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Change at the top in the Wine Club! ....

It was tough having our own royal balcony at the AGM....

The Wine Club enjoyed an excellent lunch at Toto's restaurant off Sloane Street. Not so much a private room as having our own royal balcony looking down on the rest of the restaurant! The talking points were the wines of course and they didn't disappoint for interest in taste and back story, not me anyway!

As well as the enjoyment of the wine and food, we also had the enjoyable occasion to look back at what the Club  had achieved - good membership numbers, memorable events, some good purchases for members and for a wine cellar for the Company.

Why did we go down Memory Lane? Consultants usually are all about the future! Well, probably because the person to whom the members of the Company's Wine club owe most, PM William Barnard, was retiring as its Founding Chairman. We reminisced about how the Company developed its name for distinctive and memorable wines, and then went into setting up a Wine Club so Liverymen could take their interest in wine experiences further. Not least to start to provide support to the company by buying distinctive wines at early vintage prices for laying down, delivering high value matured wine later. At the heart of all these developments was William. We thanked him and toasted him.

The new Chairman is Father of the Company Calvert Markham, whose appointment was greeted with acclaim, and the Club welcomed the new Master (Master Elect at the time!) as a member!

The occasion was the Club's AGM. Among other things the Treasurer reported on the cellar's contents and there was lively debate about what our purchasing strategy should be for the next stage! there was eager anticipation of some of the wines there that are ready to come out.

PM Patrick McHugh has put his Wine Notes on the selection, on his Company Wine Blog at in the members' area.

The Wine Club is open to all Liverymen and anyone interested in knowing more should get in touch with Alistair Dixon,  whose email address is in the Members' section

Immediate Past Master, Edward Sankey