Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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A glittering night at Guildhall for the Lord Mayor's Ball....

WCoMC movers and shakers gliding under the solemn gaze of Wellington....

Talk about ancient and modern! Between the ancient walls of the Guildhall a thoroughly modern Ball took place, complete with a great band to dance to. It was odd to be bouncing around under the gaze of Wellington and with Nelson's memorial in the background!

This was the first Lord Mayor's Ball, a fund raiser for the Lord Mayor's Charity. There was a full and enthusiastic turnout, and both the Old Library (for the reception) and the Guildhall where we danced were full.

We from our Company were a party of twelve, seated at adjacent tables, so plenty to talk and laugh about. The hall was full of noise and the atmosphere was great. We twelve were the first members to dine and dance under our Company's shield, high up in the Guildhall rafters. 

The principal organiser was Lady Judge, wife of Sir Paul Judge, Honorary Freeman of our Company,  who was at one of his last functions as Sheriff.  Lady Judge did a great job, with a wonderful meal from Mossimans, père et fils supervising in person. They provided the whole table setting and I have never seen such fine and decorated glasses at the large function before.


It was the inaugural Lord Mayor's Ball - we hope it will not be the last!









                                                                                                         Immediate Past Master Edward Sankey