CMCE Research Awards and Urwick Prize 17 Oct:  Zoom Virtual Meeting
Mentor Training Workshop 22 Oct:  Plaisterers' Hall
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How long is your Drive?

WCoMC Golfers slashing their way through the Liveries at the Inter-Livery Golf extravaganza 

Thanks to Chris Edge and our friends at the World Traders, four members of the Company enjoyed 18 holes at Chris’ club, Coombe Wood, near Kingston, on 24th July . Our range of handicaps provided plenty of scope for a series of well-fought matches under cloudless skies and unremitting sunshine.

Despite our team being strengthened by a few volunteers, WcoMC lost the match format.  However, David Shannon picked up the award for the Longest Drive!

After a most enjoyable dinner and the presentation of the prizes, it was agreed that it had been a splendid occasion and that it would be repeated next year. Perhaps with a year’s notice, one or two additional members might like to make themselves known!  If so, do let one of us know.

THE GOLFERS!   Current WCoMC Team participants:  Left to right:   Ron Cruickshank (poached from another top team) at left with the Woburn trophy winners,  Jeff Herman,  David Peregrine-Jones,  David ["Long Drive"] Shannon