WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

A Long Walk off a Short Plank!

That’s how it felt on Friday. An undertaking lightly entered into in May, which was then a long way off and maybe not certain, was now right in front of me!

I agreed to abseil down the Lloyd’s of London building, raising funds for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and its constituent charities. Many members made donations to my fund raising page, for which the beneficiaries of the charities would be very grateful.

It was 289ft down. I told myself it is no more dangerous than being 50ft above the ground but that didn’t help!

The crew were very helpful to all of us who were novices. The safety measures seemed persuasive! So there was nothing left to do but go over the edge!

I wouldn’t have done it if members hadn’t made donations – in which case the charities would have less money to spend on their beneficiaries. So many thanks from them and me to you.

The Shrieval Chain

From one extreme to another! Another “first” for me was to attend the presentation to Sheriff Elect Fiona Adler her unique and personal Shrieval Chain.

It is a customary for the Masters and Wardens of Companies to be invited to contribute to the Shreival chains of office of the incoming Sheriffs. I hadn’t been aware of custom before and our Clerk introduced it to me. In Fiona’s case she is known to a number of our members, some of whom supported her campaign for election.

 These chains are splendid, fashioned by a goldsmith and full of symbolism about the Sheriff’s family, career, charity interests, work in the City and other notable interests.

This week the Aldermanic Sheriff Elect has his chain presented to him. Again, we have a Company connection with Alderman Andrew Parmley – mosr recently he was our organist at the Annual Service. He is great company, and it was a privilege to have him as our organist, especially given the many demands on his time as days from his taking office his diary must already be full of briefings and other activities to prepare for his year.

Annual Service and the Essence of the Livery.

Talking of the Annual Service, very well planned by our Chaplain, The Revd Bill Penney, we had an Address from the Rector of St Bartholomew’s the Great.

The Address reminded us of the essential characteristics of the Livery – Fellowship and Charity. Who, I thought, could (or should!) ask for more?!!

