WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

Seeing Us Bring the Olympic Cauldron to the Museum of London

This week saw the installation of the unforgettable London Olympic Cauldron in the City. Our Charitable Trust, with PM Bob Garratt and Assistant Sally Garratt who brought the opportunity to us, made a grant to the Museum of London to fund setting up the famous Cauldron in its new home. 

For me the Cauldron was the most admirable part of the ceremonials on the Olympics. In one stroke, the designer Thomas Heatherwick had combined imagination, technology, engineering and craftsmanship. Each of those petals was individual in shape and hand fashioned. The symbolism he brought by each country carrying in a petal (and taking it home again in the closing Ceremony) was inspired.

I was proud our Company had made it possible, not only that the groundbreaking Cauldron should have a permanent home for all to admire it, but that it should be a gift by us to the City.

I saw it up close when I was invited to its “unveiling”, with Bob and Sally also there. Our Company’s name is displayed on the Donors’ plaque (on the left!) as well as that of Bob and Sally who donated independently.

I urge all to find time to go and admire it!

Living Our Motto – Change Through Wisdom 

The Company had another celebration at the Summer Reception. PM Patrick McHugh and Richard Finn told of the development of new approaches to improving behaviours in City firms, and not least our instigation of the most significant initiative undertaken in this field and getting the backing of successive Lord Mayors. It is a story our Company can be proud of!

Because we held the Reception in the Private Dining Room of the Guildhall offices, a rare privilege secured by the Clerk through her special connections, I took the opportunity to emphasise our distinction of being a Livery Company, a distinction unique in our profession. We looked out over Livery HQ, the venerable Guildhall where the Livery gathers as Common Hall. Alongside the shields of Livery Companies going back to the 12th Century, our own is mounted on the high timbers. The Hall is not just important to the Livery, but it has seen historic drama. The trials of Lady Jane Grey, Thomas Cramner and others took place here. The City that made the first memorial to Nelson, in Guildhall long before King and Government decided Nelson deserved commemoration! There is also a tribute to Wellington: indeed it was the City that financed Wellington’s armies.

A few years ago our Company had the distinction to provide a decorated window to the Basinghall Suite of the Guildhall complex, the old Guildhall. So whilst we are linked to a Livery tradition which is ages old, we reflect that the Livery continues to look to change and improvement in the fabric of the Livery and Guildhall and as well as in the modern business of the City and our profession. Change Through Wisdom!

The Only Industrial Site in the City!

Another first for the Company? The Company went on a visit to a unique facility in the City, and indeed one of only four in the UK.

Thanks to Liveryman Lynda Purser, a party of us visited the London Assay Office to see the work done. It happens to be above the gilded ceilings of Goldsmiths’ Hall!

The workshops and laboratories up there include a smelting facility, above, for recycling gold.

This is one of the old Livery Companies that do still have great relevance to today's life. As well as ensuring the standards for quality so we can all depend on the hallmarks, the Company funds the training of assayers and designers in silver and gold.

It reminded me that in fact the City was originally a centre for preparing materials (eg the Skinners whose Hall we are in) or manufactured goods like the Goldsmiths.  A giant workshop!

My thanks to Lynda for such a privileged inside view, followed by a very convivial lunch! We will be running more day time events like this. 

And finally...... 

As we head off for holidays in lots of lovely places, let's remember what Douglas Adams wrote: "It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear!"

All the best, and have a good holiday season!

