New Master's Installation and Celebration 10 Oct:  Ironmongers' Hall
Mentor Training Workshops 15 and 22 Oct:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Another Oscar-winning film by the Master's Fellow Alumnus?

Peter Fudakowski who won an Oscar for his previous film, Tsotsi, has just released a new film, Secret Sharer


You may have noticed the advertisements for Secret Sharer, released last weekend. It is produced by Peter Fudakowski, a friend of Edward Sankey, both of them having studied together for their MBAs.  Edward was given a private viewing a few months ago of the film, at their MBA reunion.  He says it is a film that really should be seen. He acknowledges that he might be seen as biased, but points out that the Oscar voters obviously see Peter as a fine producer and director!

Secret Sharer is based on a Joseph Conrad story (and he tells good stories!) and is set in the South China Sea in modern times. A European ship’s officer is given commend of a hulk of a Chinese freighter with a lazy crew. Then he discovers an unexpected guest, which puts them in danger. The acting is great, and the photography is superb. For cinemas go to

This film was partly made in China. The challenges of making a feature film there were very interesting to hear about, says Edward. The script and all the filming plans had to be submitted to the authorities in advance. Changes to the script had to be negotiated.  Surprisingly,  given the nature of China’s economic success of large scale production, one of the more sensitive issues was the portrayal of working in a factory – not the conditions (which Peter had never intended to be anything critical) but the scale.



Master Edward Sankey