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Great New Film from my Oscar Winner Friend!

Secret Sharer opens today (27 June) made by Oscar winning producer Peter Fudakowski I thoroughly recommend it!

I declare an interest – I did my MBA with Peter and we stay in touch.

Peter gave our Class a private viewing of his new film at our latest reunion. It is tremendous. Based on a good story by Joseph Conrad – a writer with great storylines – the acting is excellent and the filming is exceptional. And Peter gave us a fascinating story of the challenges of filming in China!  

Right at the start, the opening sequence is stunning, visually, audibly, and finally with a moment of disorientation! I do not mean it is all blood and thunder, but it is arresting.

Set in the South China Sea, it is the story of a young European Ship’s Officer given command to shift an aging Chinese ship with a lazy crew to Shanghai. Then he finds he has a surprise passenger, one who brings him and his crew danger if she were to be discovered.

Peter has an almost poetical approach to his films without losing sight of the need to show a good story with intelligent writing, high activity and tension.

Although Peter is a friend, I feel fully justified in recommending it highly based on having seen it! And the Oscar voters voted for him previously! For cinemas showing it go to

All the best


27 June 2014