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Free Again – Thanks To You! - and a Winner of the Champagne!

Many thanks to all those who raised my bail money for the British Red Cross’s benefit. It enabled me to be released from imprisonment in the Tower of London today!

The winner of the exceellent bottle of 2000 Charles Heidsieck champagne generously donated by Berry Brod & Rudd is Assistant Heather Matheson. The blind draw was made by the Beadle, witnessed by the Clerk! 

I was arrested at Mansion House on heinous crimes. My alleged crimes included taking the Clerk’s stilettos from the Office.  The Judge seemed more concerned about my apparently being indiscreet about my personal life than the theft itself!

I was marched through the streets of London to the Tower by City of London police officers and confined there on bread and water (or a near equivalent, ahem). I feel my standing with the Financial Regulators as an Approved Person might be jeopardised!

I was in the Company of other Masters gowned and badged, and our arrival at the Tower and being taken into custody by a couple of Beefeaters with fiercesome weapons had the camera shutters going like mad, the Tower being thronged with tourists! We might be all over Instagram by now!

The important thing is that I was able to pay as my bail £1174 of donations to the British Red Cross, or £1454 including Gift Aid. Very many thanks to all those who made donations to my websites. Our company held its head high among the others there.

If anyone would like to donate on reading this, the website is

Many thanks again


23 June 2014