WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Mentoring Skills Workshop 26 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

Tasting Tour Triumph!


I was so excited by the Company’s first Tasting Tour I blogged after the first day! I promised a longer note on our Company’s first venture outside the UK.

I’m an unreconstructed Francophile – the country has so much going for it that the odd frustration doesn’t seem so bad! The UK has its annoyances after all! Four days in the beauty of the southern Rhone valley, north east of Avignon, was a pleasure in itself.

Liveryman Alistair Dixon had contacts! An old buddy moved to the area twenty years ago and made all the arrangements and plans. We stayed in a large gite in a hill-top village with fresh croissants delivered each breakfast. In visits to distinctive small wine producers we met some real characters and heard some fine stories of the vineyards. La vrai France!

At one we found boxes and boxes of new vines ready for planting, all covered in protective red wax.

My appreciation of the wines was enhanced by the expert commentaries and discussion of PM William Barnard, Alistair Dixon and our guide Kevin Aylott, and of course the wine-makers themselves. And after a hard day tasting, it was the perfect finish to slip into a chair at a good restaurant and enjoy a good meal!

As you can see, it was well worth the trip out there! Roll on the next Tasting Tour!

Guildhall’s Got Talent!

Another trip to the Barbican, after hearing the wonderful playing of the National Youth Orchestra in January. This occasion was the Final of the Gold Medal award by the Guildhall School of Music.

The young soloists, performing concerti, were exceptional and the orchestra itself was comprised students of the college. Once again I was so impressed by the excellence youth and young men and women can achieve with dedication,  training and leadership.  

The event was the first outing of the new Company Music Group – there is clearly solid interest in making music a special interest activity in the Company.

And finally……

On a big Sky News headlines display I saw a news item “Cryus denial – did not take overdose”. Now I’d no idea it had been suggested Ms Miley had taken an overdose, but it seemed to me this denial would enhance even further her street cred. among her target audience.

So I thought maybe I could use to professional advantage this tactic of denying things that had never been suggested! I could announce “Sankey cites client confidentiality about whether he prevented bank’s meltdown.” “Sankey’s advice was sought over Ukraine – reports unconfirmed.”   

I can dream!

