Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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A Company First: The Pancake Race – The Whole Story!

Pancake Day in Guildhall Yard showed the Livery comprises people with a good sense of fun! The many Companies that entered brought along supporters and the Yard was loud with cheering!

It has been a long time since I’ve run a race! As you can see, I had a briefing from the Clerk, who had been to a few of these before. Plenty of WCoMC members came to support and I greatly appreciated them. And the Pancakes and buffet lunch was thoroughly enjoyable in the Crypt. 

And the race? Very exciting. Never has 200yds seemed so far! Master Marketor, Michael Harrison, and I vied up and down the course. The lead changed at stops for flips and to turn at the far end. Michael got the photo-finish – the benefit of long legs I reckon, though quite possibly he was fitter!

Fellowship is the Aim

Our membership is becoming more diverse. For one reason, we have a higher proportion of members in retirement, or working in a more selective manner with lower time demands. It follows that we must have variety in our activities, to ensure we can provide a social programme that meets various interests and preferences.

So let me know if you have suggestions. An initiative underway at present is to form a Music group – listening rather than performing, at present! I am very pleased the Liveryman Drewe Lacey has agreed to take a lead on establishing this.

In No 1 Court of the Old Bailey!

It wasn’t what you might think! After a lifetime of avoiding appearing at the Old Bailey, I have recently been twice. The Old Bailey is an interesting and important case of ancient and modern.

This most important of criminal courts, where many of the most serious trials from around the country are heard, is actually run by the City of London, a service from the Corporation to the Ministry of Justice and the country.  The most senior permanent judge of the Central Criminal Court has the title of Recorder of London. The Sheriffs have living quarters there in order according to custom always to be attendant on the Judges.

However, underlining that ceremonial is a minor part of the Corporation of London, a shard of glass remains embedded in the wall of the stairs, a reminder of when the Provisional IRA exploded a car bomb outside.

Another Court I attended was that of City University. Chaired by the Chancellor, the Lord Mayor, the Court was presented by a fine account of the development of the University and its plans. Mentioning our founding role in the Business School’s Centre for Charity Effectiveness, I asked about the priority the School has in the University’s plans – I was told its development was a top priority, so plenty of scope for us to make a further mark on the School!

And Finally, a Word about Your Passwords

At a very interesting lecture of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, the speaker, the GCHQ’s Director Cyber Policy, said passwords are like underwear – change them often!

