CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

Our Clerk and Office Team

Clerk: Mrs Julie Fox

Julie was appointed Clerk in December 2015 having initially joined us in April 2014 as Assistant Clerk, a new role to us at that time. Prior to that she was with the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers where she was responsible for their membership and Company events and the administration of their committees.

She is Senior Warden of the Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and brings experience providing company secretarial services to a range of organisations that includes two London Boroughs and the City of London Conservation Area Advisory Committee.

Julie is also a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Horners and the Worshipful Company of Firefighters. She has also worked with various professional membership associations including the Institute of Management Consultants and the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Assistant Clerk: Walter Gill

Walter joined us in December 2019, bringing with him a wealth of clerking experience having been both Assistant Clerk and then Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Carmen. He has also been President of the Fellowship of Clerks.

Prior to his city life, he was with the Military Survey, a branch of the Royal Engineers, a role that involved tours in Cyprus, Germany, Bosnia and Italy - as well as in the UK.

We have tempted Walter away from taking early retirement, which he admits involved too much golf, so that we can build and develop the skills of our Office Team. He will particularly add his expertise of web-based Information Systems, accounting and general administration. When he has time, he is a budding photographer, golfer and theatre goer.

Beadle: Mervyn Bassett

Mervyn has been supporting WCoMC for many years - ensuring that our formal functions are properly staged and kept to order.  He has also been the Beadle to the Skinners Company, where our office is based.

He is now an integral member of our events team - making sure that we follow proper protocols and above all keep to time, especially when there are a number of speeches in the running order! When he is not doing this, he helps by taking photographs of our new freemen and liverymen at our admissions ceremonies.