Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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A Happy Customer

At the end of the Tacitus Lecture in Guildhall (an official invitation and the reason I wasn’t at our own Education Seminar!) I was approached by someone who had heard I was in WCoMC. She introduced herself. Some years ago she had been a WCoMC pro bono client. She asked after PM Allan Duguid who had been her mentor.

It was a pleasure to hear her tell me how valuable Allan’s advice had been. She asked to be remembered to Allan, and hoped to be in touch with him again.

I was particularly struck that she came all across Guildhall to tell me of how valuable the pro bono service had been and send good wishes to her WCoMC mentor. She was now the CEO of a major trade association in the health sector.

A London Admiral!

Readers of the Clerk’s notices will remember we were told of the courses the Livery Committee run. These are excellent and I remember one from a few years ago, a couple of hours followed by refreshments and networking, about the Corporation of London and the Livery. The governance of the City is unique and is a fascinating mix of modernity and tradition. You’ll know that the City is distinctive in having its own police force. That’s only the start!

I went on the After Dinner Speaking course the other day, with First Warden Patrick Chapman and Assistant Anastasia Kourovskaia. It’s a very different style from even a conference presentation or Lecture.

Yes, there is an Admiral of the Port of London! Find out more at

Perhaps Another First for the City!

I mentioned at the Installation Dinner that with the imminent Admission of the Lord Mayor, for the first time the top three positions of the City we were held by people from the Modern Livery Companies.

At the Marketors' Tacitus lecture I possibly witnessed another first. At the table on the stage all four of the personalities were women – The Master of the Marketors, the Lord Mayor, the Clerk of the Marketors, and the distinguished speaker, Angela Knight CBE, CEO of the trade body Energy UK, late of the British Bankers Association and previously a Treasury Minister. No men.

The Lord Mayor’s mission of increasing diversity takes another step forward.

Next Edition – The Inside Story on the Pancake Race!

