Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Evenings Out – Brain Engaged!

One of the more unexpected parts of representing the Company is the invitations to other Companies’ Lectures.

These are invariably interesting. I reported on the Marketors’ Lecture in my blog of 26/11/13, when the CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi worldwide talked about the VUCA and now Super VUCA worlds we live in. (Vibrant, Unreal (idea driven), Crazy, Astounding of course!)

This month I was invited to two others. The Bridge Lecture of the Worshipful Company of Engineers was given by Paul J. De Lia, of L-3 Communications on “The Next Battlespace - A Strategy for The Electromagnetic Spectrum” His theme was the electromagnetic spectrum as a precious natural resource. As such issues of governance, rights, and conflict arise, all made dynamic by innovation. In it he posed the question “how can you regulate something that is Innovative, Technologically Advancing, and Socially Popular”? I thought this posed a good question to policy makers in the financial services industry as well.

On To The Architects

The Milo Lecture of the Chartered Architects was equally eye-opening, albeit in a totally different way. Stephen Hodder, the RIBA President, made the point that London is the international hub for architectural services. Many British architects are prominent among the internationally renowned – Foster, Grimshaw, Rodgers, Sir Michael Hopkins, Lady Patricia Hopkins, Hadid. (The current RIBA Exhibition “The Brits Who Built The Modern World” is worth a visit!)

But Stephen Hodder went on to say there are many services needed by clients and property developers – legal, financial, engineering, surveyors, IT, project management, etc., and London is unique in having the full range, experienced in working internationally, in one conurbation.

It is not only in financial services that London can claim to be the international centre!

Benvenuto at the Wine Club!

One of London’s delights is the premises of the venerable wine merchant Berry Bros & Rudd. The shop in St James’s Street is one of the most historic in the City – worth the price of a bottle of East India Sherry as an excuse to go in! And go down a classic narrow old London passageway to the side and you get to a hidden courtyard, and in one of the ancient houses, the most atmospheric of dining and tasting rooms.

With BB&R, our Wine Club laid on a great tasting of Italian wines. More and more Italian winegrowers and makers are upgrading much of the country’s wine, and we are seeing in the UK more variety of wine regions. We had an excellent tasting of eight of them, together with an exquisite mini dish for each to best compliment the wine. Each wine was introduced to us by one of BB&R’s experts, from the region and its recent wine history down to the story of the vineyard and the particular method of production of the wine.

The great delight of tastings is how the differences between wines come out.

I really encourage anyone with an interest in good wines, and in association with good food – nibbles or meals – to look into joining. Details can be found from PM William Barnard who can be reached through our website on (you will have to be logged in first.) Edward 23/2/14