Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Getting Good at Doing Good!

Our Company has a tradition of promoting ever more professionalism in the charity sector.

Our Charitable Fund sponsors the Charity Talks at the Cass Business School. The next talk, on Wednesday 29 January, is on “Managing and Motivating Staff in Your Team”, and includes the CEO of Leeds MENCAP. Hard enough anywhere, but Charity CEOs have a doubly hard job because the conventional motivations – advancement and remuneration – are not really available.  If you want to go along, contact Matthew Guest at or on 020 7040 0901 !

I heard about the other side last week – Giving, or to be precise Revolutionising Philanthropy. Whilst philanthropy has undergone great change and growth, Sir Ronald Cohen at the Lord Mayor’s City Giving Lecture  talked about new financial vehicles to channel funds to charities. Great food for thought – see also our LinkedIn site   for a related discussion by some of our Members!

Remembering Alan Harpham

It was with a heavy heart that I, with the Almoner Gill King and Liveryman John Pulford, went to Alan’s funeral. Alan was a stalwart of the Company who supported it through pro bono assignments (or rather, helped our clients!) and other acts. Alan even encouraged his son Richard to offer a prize from his business at one of our Charity auctions.

A great number of people attended. We knew Alan had many interests, but to hear them recounted in full in the Address, and to see representatives of so many organisations, left me in admiration of a man who had about the most full a life you could imagine. Whilst giving so much to his family, he also donated vast voluntary time to a wide range of organisations. There were many references to how Alan made a special, unique contribution to so many. There will be more about this fine life in the Newsletter.

In the course of the refreshments afterwards I met a long lost friend from the time we both lived in NZ! There is almost always a positive side to a funeral.  

New Assistant to the Clerk

With Jackie Johnson due to complete her contract here and return as planned to her studies at the end of March we need to find a replacement.

This is a paid part time job to ensure the Company’s admin ticks over nicely, and help with some of the steady development of some of our processes. If you know anyone who might be interested in this please contact the Clerk (  ) if you would like to learn more. The Clerk can provide a Job Description you could pass to anyone you think might be interested. The role could potentially be done partly from home.

