CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL November/December 2013




WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.


What’s up?

Lord Mayor's Show

The Lady Masters lead the way at the Lord Mayor's Show in the pouring rain with our 'team' walking, relaxing, then 'walking' again...



St Cecilia Festival Service

The Master, Wardens and Clerk went to Westminster Abbey, representing WCoMC for the first time ever at this annual Musicians' Benevolent Fund service.


Rememberence Day

The City Remembrance Day service took place in the Garden of Remembrance at St Paul's Cathedral.



Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 05:  Nov/Dec 2013


The Lord Mayor's Message to Livery Companies

Alderman Fiona Woolf CBE, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of London, continues with the theme of The City in Society, but her focus will be on "The Energy to Transform Lives", reflecting her long association with the City as an energy lawyer specialising in global electricity industry reforms.   The new Lord Mayor electrifies the City...

The City on Parade - Management Consultants resplendent in rain-drenched robes, running with scarlet...

WCoMC - supported by bands, uniforms, the Sea Cadets and trumpeters, reel in the new Lord Mayor. 

Liveryman Lynda Purser, in high spirits despite the brutal elements...

"...But where was the Board?" 

Take the UK. The credibility of the leadership of the banks, insurance companies, financial services practices, MPs, the NHS, the BBC, the police, the media, even football clubs, and many others is daily under great public criticism.  Their expectations of the competence and integrity of those who govern us have now been eroded, lost even....

Past Master, Bob Garratt, plots the way forward to a Conference in Dubai  


The new Clerk charts the way forward...

Adele plans for WCoMC to become involved as much as possible in City affairs.      

Opening up opportunities to participate...

We Want to Know.....

Liveryman John Pulford MBE reveals some inner workings...

Rethinking user experience design in Asia

Progressing from knowing only the required outcome, to sign-off of a major investment programme - in just six weeks...      

Joe Binnion walks us through an accelerated Change programme...

A guaranteed crew required for the Sea Scouts Charity Regatta for the 8th and 9th of May 2014

Need to be relatively sane.  Agile enough to dodge the Captain's cat o' nine tails.  Dead parrots not welcome. 

Experienced in these matters of survival at sea, Jeff Cant guides you through... 

So what's furry, striped, dying out, and always remembered at breakfast ? 

David Johnson and a CASS team work to give the population a tremendous boost.   A project in combination with Wax Chandlers.....

Books published by WCoMC authors

The Editor deeply regrets.... that everyone else comes so far down the alphabet...!    Plunge into the minds of your organised friends...

WCoMC aligning with Haberdashers to push back the frontiers of 21st century education   

Second Warden, David Peregrine-Jones on the Monmouth initiative...

If you like the City and its traditions...
Satjit Singh says that this one is an extremely good read and one of the best articles about the Livery/City he has seen ...

FT Magazine showcases the Livery Companies

Journalist Gillian Tett takes us through...


New WCoMC Appointment:   Assistant Ian Bonny is the new  WCoMC representative on the Financial Services Group (FSG) of Modern Livery Companies, together with Assistant Anastasia Kourovskaia.  The FSG core objective is to provide briefings for the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs for inbound and outbound visits, representing the views of their industries without vested commercial or political interest.  Contact should you wish to contribute to the briefings process or join a business delegation accompanying the Lord Mayor. (The Lord Mayor's Overseas Programme for 2013-14 will be circulated to the Members).

The City Christmas Fair at Drapers' Hall - Monday 2nd December, from 11 a.m.-8pm. Held every year in aid of Wellbeing of Women.  Takes place in the historic Drapers' Hall.  Originally the home of Thomas Cromwell, on his execution in 1540 it was forfeited to King Henry VIII.  Browse stalls filled with original luxury goods, fabulous foods and stocking fillers.  Unwind with a glass of bubbly at the Champagne bar and then place a bid in the very popular Silent Auction.   Tickets:  cost £5 or 3 for £10 in advance, and can be bought online ( or on the door.

Invitation to City Funding Network: 4 December at Copa de Cava, Blackfriar's Lanefrom 6 pm, a giving and networking event which is part of an initiative funded by the City of London Corporation's Charity, the City Bridge Trust.  Book via the Funding Network website -

Skinners Children's Party invitation - Wed, 18 December 11 am to 1 pm. £12 child, £8 adult. Skinners is where WCoMC have their offices.  This invitation comes from the Beadle we all know so well, Mervyn Bassett. Contact Beadle directly -

The City Livery Club Golfing Society: June 2014 marks the beginning of the centenary year of the City Livery Club, and its Golf Society seeks to draw on the major civic institutions of the City to show support for the Armed Services and, in particular, for those who suffered devastating injuries in conflict zones. Enter a team (2 or 4 players) for Monday 15th September 2014. Contact Keith Baker -

Please note:  there will be no  DECEMBER NEWSLETTER - We leave you to your re-runs of Coronation Street until JANUARY 2014, when we will again throw open the windows on the City, as WCoMC takes it forward into a spectacular New Year.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!



This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company. WCoMC is a Chartered Charity (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).