Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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On the Runway towards Christmas!

Does Christmas really start earlier each year? Our Company is usually the first off the mark, although comedian Jeremy Hardy said the other day that Christmas always started early when he was a kid – his mother put the sprouts on in September!

Christmas Party of the Professional Network

Thanks to our on-the-ball Professional Network organisers PM Ian Daniell, Fourth Warden Gia Campari and Assistant David Johnson our Company get going in late November. So it was that we gathered in the Cheshire Cheese last Thursday for our Thanksgiving Christmas party!

This tradition comes from the determination of an American member to get us to celebrate Thanksgiving!

Instead of focussing on our working topics and methods we downed indecent quantities of sandwiches and sausage rolls and tested numerous bottles of wine, all topped off with some lusty singing of carols. Christmas here we come!

Cass Charity Talks Just Keep On Giving!

Last week saw the latest in the Charity Talks arranged by the Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness. For some time the Company has been sponsoring the Talks.

Last week’s was topically on Successful Campaigning in an Adverse Climate. Regrettably a family commitment prevented me going on this occasion, but these talks are highly instructive and I encourage anyone with an interest in the management to look at the schedule, on The next topic is Managing and Motivating Staff on 29 January.   If you think it’s hard in a commercial organisation, just think how different and harder it is in a charity!

While on this subject – don’t forget to put the date in your diary for our own Charity Supper – 14 January.

Back to Christmas - Our Multifaceted Clerk!

You may know that our Clerk is part time in the Company, albeit in these early days with us Adèle has been giving a great deal of extra time. I had the pleasure of attending the Christmas Service of the Ward of Cheap Club today. It gave me great pride and pleasure to hear Alderman Jeffrey Evans in a speech afterwards sing Adèle’s praises as President of the Club. Adèle has clearly made a great success of her year, with reference made to the busy programme. And I know that Adèle is involved in many others things in the City. If you want to know more about what goes on in the City – ask Adèle!

Oh, and it was an exceptional service, with the Club mustering a very fine choir.

Edward Sankey
