Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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A First for the Company?

Twenty or so of us went to the St Cecilia Festival in Westminster Abbey. An awesome occasion with glorious music in a fabulous setting! The choirs of the Abbey and St Paul’s and Westminster Cathedrals all took part. The Festival is a service to celebrate music for the Musicians Benevolent Fund.

Many members, with partners and friends, joined the party. I’m sure more would have come if we’d been able to give more advance notice. After the service we went off to one of my secret restaurants for a lunch of great sociability! Not secret any more!

Although the Festival occurs every year, we weren’t aware of any previous presence by the Company. If anyone knows of our prior attendance at it, I’d be pleased to know that we have a longer history there!

The Livery was especially featured and with the Wardens and Clerk I joined the procession. We robed in the Lady Chapel (above) before the procession!

From all that was said – the Company will be going again next year!

And a WCoMC Lunch Club in the offing?

The New Lord Mayor Addresses the Master and Clerks

Early in the Lord Mayor’s calendar is an Address to the Livery. Last Wednesday Alderman Fiona Woolf told us about the Charities she is supporting through her Lord Mayor’s Appeal. They can be seen at . The Lord Mayor is also keen to argue the case for professional equality for women, and there’s no doubt that this important drive will benefit from the publicity this Lord Mayor can bring it.

VUCA – Have You Got It?

I was feeling quite good about knowing an up to date acronym, VUCA. It is the current description of the world we live in - Volatile, Uncertain, Ambiguous and Complex. As my work includes risk in strategic planning, this characterisation is good professional news!

But I heard the latest from the CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi – actually we live in the Super VUCA world – Vibrant, Unreal (idea driven), Crazy, Astounding. Well, he is a top creative!

Today’s successful businesses do little analysis and focus on fast execution and then progressive improvement of the business. The opposite of the traditional model of lots of analysis, then massively launch the “perfect” venture.

Food for thought.