Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Catching-up.. and a STOP PRESS .. our new Clerk!

To the good ship HQS Wellington on 20 June for the Summer Court followed by the Education Supper – a very full afternoon and evening.

Summer Court was well attended and we covered a number of important issues including the decision that we would declare two Warden vacancies in the Elections to be held in September – so as to bring the number of Wardens back up to four. There’s a lot of work to be done and extra input is always welcome!

Following the Court meeting, I was delighted to welcome eight new Freemen and seven new Liverymen in the formal ceremony. The “choral” rendition of the Company Oath and Livery Oath, together with the siging of the Company Freemen and Liverymen Registers, were not only efficient (good Management Consultancy stuff!) but also a triumph of coordination and choreography that would have gladdened the heart of the Bolshoi's artistic director .. if he did not have other worries at present!

After drinks on the Quarter Deck when Wellington was looking particularly attractive on a very pleasant June evening, the Supper itself was addressed by Sir Drummond Bone, Master of Balliol, Oxford and Martin Williams, Senior Director at BIS. Their “double act” discussion on the futrure of UK Higher Education was very thought-provoking and was reassuring that MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses – surely one of the most unattractive acronyms of our age!) will not rock the dreaming spires just yet, although they will certainly prompt some fresh thinking and will drive quality higher.

As before with the Education Supper we were delighted to welcome Mr Michael Urwick, grandson of Colonel Urwick – one of the Founding Fathers of UK Management Consultancy - to present the Urwick Cup to Neil McFerran for producing the best MBA thesis at the Cass Business School.

Finally, by unanimous agreement, the Wardens Quaich was presented to Assistant, and former Treasurer, Liz Walker to recognise her unfailing support for the Company over many years. A famous misprint on early Court Minutes had described Liz as “The Treasure” .... and this, she surely is!!

Finally, finally - and as a "Stop Press" - I'm delighted to report that following a recruitment process managed by First Warden Edward Sankey and ably supported by Liveryman Heather Matheson amngst others, we have now appointed a new Clerk to succeed Leslie Johnson who will be retiring at the end of October.

Adele Thorpe comes to us with a super background as a former Master Chartered Secretary and Clerk to the Marketors' Company and will be a very worthy successor to Leslie who, if we are very well behaved, may be persuaded to give a final rendition of the "The Walrus and the Carpenter" at the Installation Dinner on 17 October when Adele will be formally robed!