Introduction to ProBono Consulting 7 Jan:  Plaisterers' Hall
Wine Tasting: Styles and the Effect of Terroir 8 Jan:  Carmen's Hall
WCoMC Annual Charities Supper 28 Jan:  Cutlers' Hall
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Assignments and adventures

Members' Articles

Over recent years, our members have contributed a host of articles to our regular monthly newsletters. These articles have covered a wide range of topics, both personal and professional, around their work and travel. They are gathered here under this heading, in reverse chronological order.

We recommend that you use our free-text search to look for particular subjects, authors or items.

Please give us your feedback on any of the articles listed by emailing:


"Intergen" - a Charity bringing older and younger people together in secondary and primary schools....

To set up a YouTube channel for the Intergen programme, Liveryman Brian Ing needs 100 Subscribers!  Calling on WCoMC members to subscribe - even if only short term....

Wines fine from Rhine....

Not singing drinking songs while travelling in a splitter van, the intrepid Wine Club do their duty in the Southern Rhineland....

"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive..." Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) – El Dorado

72 hours worth of 30 minute delays - no suitcases, no briefcase and no briefcase contents - no addresses, no telephone numbers and no contact names at the other end....

Being “Past It” - life after being Master

or:  Master Management Consultant metamorphoses into Amateur Woodsman

The annual Ironbridge Event   

"Going Down, Anyone? ...."

Lord Mayor's Abseil Challenge - St Lawrence Jewry

A rare breed indeed....

Freeman Roger Williams navigates through a Case Study on a visitor attraction that provides care and support for adults with learning disability....

Sustenance and the City

Liveryman and gourmet chef,  Reena Pastakia - in the interests of managing our stress - leads us through the City, from the Duck and Waffle in the a.m. to the end of the day Worship Street Whistling Shop....

A book review?

While recovering from a skiing accident, Liveryman Alan Mitchell explores Shakespeare's shrewd understanding (management consultant-style ?) of the desired outcomes of the Tudors....

SHOP TALK - on 16 February 2016....

A session on Networking within transformational change projects in large organisations; Networking Etiquette : 2 is company, read the signals, excuse me please; the importance of having a position statement - for 30 second lift or full tender presentations....

The Corporate Governance Round Table's Human Capital Debate...

...chaired by PM Bob Garratt and sponsored by the WCoMC....



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