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Lambeth Palace Library - June 2023

Reflecting on the Coronation

Lambeth Palace Library is the National Library and Archive of the Church of England, and at first glance may be thought to be a strange venue for a Company Event. It was founded in 1610 and is now in a purpose-built home that was completed in 2020 as a sensitive addition to the Grade I Listed Palace. The Library regularly hosts free public exhibitions that are curated and drawn from its archives. Click here to learn more about the Library and its history.

As 2023 witnessed the first coronation in this country for over 70 years, the Library had celebrated this event by presenting “Coronations from the Middle Ages to the Present Day”, an exhibition that combined ancient documents with coronation gowns and other artefacts. Our Faith Group used this opportunity to host an event that explored "The Challenges of being King and Supreme Governor of the Church of England in a Multi-Faith Society", a discussion led by guest speaker Revd Cannon Jeremy Haselock, a member of the General Synod from 2000 to 2015.

On the day, participants were greeted by the Director of the Library, who explained the history of the Library. Then they toured the exhibition before going up to the eighth floor of the building, with its stunning views, for a sparkling English wine and cream tea reception prior to the talk which was introduced by our own Chaplain, Father Tim Handley.


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