CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
WCoMC Members Reception 12 Mar:  Temple Bar, Paternoster Square
CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Cart Marking July 2023

A 500 year old ceremony

The Worshipful Company of Carmen hold this ceremony each year in Guildhall Yard - and it is believed to be the biggest event in the City of London, after the Lord Mayor's Show. The Carmen are an ancient Company, dating back to 1517, although their trade - transporting "stuff" originally on carts - obviously goes right back to Roman times. Click here to read about their history of mystery, intrigue and mayhem.

Cart Marking celebrates the first form of vehicle licencing in the world where hand carts were branded to allow the licenced carts to ply for trade within the City of London for the proceeding year; something the Carmen were responsible for policing. This year our own Second Warden (and Junior Warden Elect of the Carmen Company), Andy Miles, and his wife Sarah were on marking duty, which involves wearing full ceremonial robes and gloves provided by the Worshipful Company of Glovers.

Each year for the ceremony, there is also a parade of a fine collection of vehicles - ancient and modern - entered by Freemen and Liverymen of the Carmen and range from handcarts, horses and carts, and steam-driven vehicles to electric, solar-powered and hydrogen vehicles.

It is the highlight of the Carmen's year and is now held on a Saturday in July. The Cart Marking ceremony is free to attend for anyone, be they invited or simply passing by and wondering what was going on.....

After the ceremony, there is a traditional Guildhall Luncheon in the Great Hall preceded by a champagne reception in the Guildhall Library.

This year, WCoMC had two tables of members and guests at the luncheon.

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