Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Technical Symposium 2019

WCoMC Event Booking (Registration)

Welcome to our event booking system, providing a secure and flexible means for purchasing your tickets (places) and those for your guests.

If a yellow "Welcome ..." bar with your name is shown above, skip to "Your Registration Details" below, otherwise please read on:

  • As the first stage of registration, below, we ask that all WCoMC members login before proceeding and that non-members create an Event Account (or login to their existing event account). For existing account holders this will speed up your booking as our system can then autofill your name, email address and your ongoing personal diet, access and seating requirements, all held on your account.
  • If you are not a Company member, creating an Event Account is very simple: we just ask you to provide an account name (eg firstname.lastname) and verify it is available, before proceeding to enter your name, email address and ticket requirements (noting that your email address must be unique – two accounts cannot share the same email address). Our system will then, in parallel, send you an email to enable you to create your own personal password for your event account with us and allow you to login and update your booking and those of your guests (and join us for future events!), or update the details held in your account. If the account name you offer is not available, we suggest you add a number to it (eg firstname.lastname99) and try again; above all, we recommend you adopt a memorable name!
  • If you have any queries, please email

    Thank you.

Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Your Registration Details

Existing account holders:    please check/update your name and email address and then enter any personal requirements specific for this event.  If you later wish to enter/amend your ongoing personal requirements, please login and visit My Account via the menu at the top of every screen

New Event Account holders:    please enter your name, email address and then your personal requirements specific for this event.  If you later wish to amend your name/email, or enter/amend your ongoing personal requirements for future WCoMC events, please login and visit My Account via the menu at the top of every screen

Please note:

By convention we do not use "Mr", "Mrs" or "Miss", although the latter two are available in the dropdown
Only your First and Last Names, as shown below, will be shared with registered account holders or visitors to our site

If your Title or Post-Nominals are not included in the dropdowns, please contact


In addition to the ongoing requirements you have recorded in your account, which are shown immediately after each box below, please indicate:

Your dietary requirements specific to this event
Any access issues which you have for this event
Any preferences you have for this event (which we will try to accommodate)
Event Fee(s)

Please enter the number of tickets (places) you require - including one for yourself - for each category of attendee you are registering.

Please enter 0 (zero) for those categories you do not require.

Where 'earlybird' prices are shown, these will only be available for a limited time.

All prices include VAT.

Charge for WCoMC members booking tickets
Charge for non-members booking tickets (includes a processing fee)

If in the future you wish to increase/decrease the number of tickets you have purchased (or delete any tickets), you must email; please do not attempt to add extra (or delete) tickets yourself.

Once you have completed registration, please remember to enter the names and related information for your guests by logging in and visiting Your Bookings and Guests on the Events menu (to the left of this screen and on all the Events pages of our website).

Please now select your method of payment, which will enable the Continue button.   Thank You
