Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  St Martin Ludgate
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CMCE - BAM Joint Event: Strategy as Uncertainty Work

A CMCE - BAM joint event to explore strategy as a means of working with uncertainty .  This event is open both to Company Members and Non-Members to book.  The || Register Now || button will be visible to the right when bookings can be made

Strategy as "Uncertainty Work"

Recent developments such as global pandemics, geopolitical tensions, and industry disruption caused by technological change has made the world increasingly uncertain to the point of not knowing what may happen next. At the same time, strategists are still expected to formulate and lead the execution of strategy that helps their organisations take the next step forward.

This challenge of developing and executing strategies for the future when one does not know what the future holds was one indicated by the 2018 CMCE research report on the consultant skills needed by 2030. In addition, it has become a central concern of leading global strategy consulting firms like McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Bain who all offer strategy services to aid strategists navigate uncertainty.

“Strategy as Uncertainty Work” is intended to explore strategy as a means of working with uncertainty in order to take the next step forward.

Working with uncertainty requires a degree of flexibility. It involves trying to influence the future while repeating work of the past. It also involves adapting to changing circumstances while maintaining or evolving existing organisational and institutional arrangements. Through this flexibility,  the strategist can work with uncertainty in ways that enable the development and execution of strategy.

In this event, organised in collaboration with the British Academy of Management (BAM) Management Consulting Network, CMCE is delighted to welcome Dr. Alan Tait from The University of Portsmouth to provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the work involved in developing and executing strategy in uncertain times.

Dr Alan Tait is a Senior Lecturer in Strategy with expertise in strategizing under conditions of uncertainty. He has worked with small and medium sized companies as well as charities and public sector organizations on their strategic thinking and strategizing under uncertainty.

Members and registered Event Account Holders can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

We will send you and your guests the Zoom link for the event closer to its date.

Dress code is "Smart Casual"

28th Oct 2024 from  5:00 PM to  6:00 PM
Zoom Video Conference
Joining Details will be sent to Registered Participants
Reservations (Zoom screens, no charge)

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
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