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CMCE Workshop: Building Trust & Value 25 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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CMCE Showcase - Progression in Consultancy

 Registration is closed for this event
This CMCE Showcase will explore the latest research from the Bridge Group looking at access to the consultancy profession and how to get ahead in the profession. .  This event is open both to Company Members and Non-Members to book.  The || Register Now || button will be visible to the right when bookings can be made}

CMCE Showcase - Progression in Consultancy

Who gets in, who gets ahead and how?

This dynamic session will be led by Nik Miller who will draw on millions of datapoints, including published Bridge Group research with firms including KPMG, PwC and the Civil Service.  The session will also focus on the effects of socio-economic background on those working in the profession – where the evidence indicates that class has a stronger effect on progression in consultancy, compared with e.g. ethnicity and gender. There will an opportunity for discussion and debate, and practical takeaways to support your practices and understanding. 

Nik Miller is Co-founder and Chief Executive at the Bridge Group, and a Partner at More Partnership. In these positions, Nik uses consulting skills to support a wide range of organisations to advance social impact. He is a global conference speaker, Research Fellow at the University of York, and has led a range of national policy reports. With expertise in talent strategies, social equity, philanthropy and data analytics, Nik has been recently commissioned by the University of Oxford, the BBC, the Cabinet Office, Morgan Stanley, Linklaters and (of interest to the management consulting profession) by KPMG to interrogate who gets ahead and how in consulting. He is Special Advisor to Europe’s intergovernmental agency for science (EMBL), and a trustee of the Unite Foundation – disbursing over £9m to care leavers to access higher education.  

Members and registered Event Account Holders can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

We will send you and your guests the Zoom link for the event closer to its date.

29th Feb 2024 from  5:00 PM to  6:00 PM
Zoom Video Conference
Joining Details will be sent to Registered Participants
United Kingdom
Reservations (Zoom screens, no charge)

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
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