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CMCE Showcase: Systems Thinking in Consulting; Tuesday 7 March

 Registration is closed for this event
The Centre for Management Consulting Excellence runs symposia that we call Showcases whose purpose is to share leading edge thinking of interest in management consulting. This event is open both to Company Members and Non-Members to book.

​Systems Thinking in Consulting – Why and How

This session will explore the potential for using systems thinking in consulting practice and some of the issues that might arise. Systems is the management discipline that has been developed specifically to address issues of complexity and uncertainty and can provide alternative solutions to some of the more intractable and commonly encountered problems that clients expect consultants to help with.

Presenter Patrick Hoverstadt is a leading authority on systems thinking and the author of The Grammar of Systems: From Order to Chaos & Back as well as the developer of the Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship.

Join this Showcase to add a powerful approach to your repertoire – and be prepared to rethink how you approach business problems.

Members and registered Event Account Holders can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

We will send you and your guests the Zoom link for the event closer to its date.

7th Mar 2023 from  4:00 PM to  5:30 PM
Zoom Video Conference
Joining Details will be sent to Registered Participants
Reservations (Zoom screens, no charge)

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
Is this a member only event?